Chapter Three: What Tickles Your Pickle

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"Leeeeeewwwwiiiiiisssssss," Niall bellowed from where he stood on the breakfast bar. He had a tall beer in hand and Shauna under his arm. Louis shook his head disapprovingly. Niall was going to have to let that one go soon. This was getting out of hand.

Speaking of getting out of hand, so was this party. The bass was pounding heavily in Louis' ears and their small flat was smashed with people from their university. In the kitchen people were doing shots, on the couches there was some sort of herpes spreading orgy going on and Louis had found several weed smokers in their bathroom only a few minutes earlier. A successful party in other words.

"James Horanson Niallser," Louis yelled back. "You get down from that table and do a shot with meee!"

"Ay-ay captain!" Niall almost fell off the table. It made Louis laugh. He pulled Niall around the bar and they pressed their way through to the sink. There was a bottle of vodka that was almost empty and Louis filled two shot glasses with the last of it. He pushed his phone into the nearest hands that belonged to a bloke with a snapback and a shirt that said "swag". Louis made a mental note to never invite that kid again.

"You! Take a picture!" Niall and Louis pressed their heads together and held up their drinks.

"Cheers to a fucking good week!" Niall exclaimed.

"Cheers to my lovely new followers on Twitter!" Louis and Niall laughed and they clinked their drinks together. The liquid slid down Louis' throat with a burning sensation.

The stranger handed back the phone and Louis laughed at the picture. "Niiiii! You have four eyes!" he giggled.

"Really!?" Niall said excitedly. He peered at the picture but a sour expression crossed his face. "LEWIS! YOU LIAR. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS." He stormed off through the crowd, leaving Louis alone with his phone. He just shrugged. Drunk Niall was an emotional situation and mood swings were to be expected.

Louis fumbled with his phone. After a few tries he finally made it onto his Twitter app and he managed to get the picture they'd just taken into a tweet.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Sooome niittteess weee do stupidd thigns HAH tuniggt is not onfe of thaam #feelinsswagstersnat

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
I ggot some newz for youuu G is nat as coll as ya thinkz

He got a reply,

Annie D (@Annienotsosober)
Me thinks the tommo drunk is

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
@Annienotsosober Me thinkss 333

"LOUIS!" a voice said and he recognized it as Niall's friend Darren. Louis spun around and found Darren swiftly making his way towards him.

"Hiiiiii," Louis and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"I've been looking for you all night, Louuu." He slung an arm around Louis' shoulders and breathed heavily against his neck.

"Darren, you are obviouslies drunks."

"So are you." Louis grimaced and tried to step out from under his arm. "I want to kiss you, Louis." Help me, Louis thought. Darren wasn't an unattractive guy. He was actually kind of hot. He was tan, just like Louis but he was taller and had a bigger sort of build. But he was drunk, had a bad breath and Louis was not in the mood.

"I'm sure you do, lovely." He gave Darren a clap on his shoulder.

"You're so preeettyy."

"Darren!" Louis managed to get the words out properly. "May I remind you that you are not gay."

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now