Chapter Eleven: Not That Kind Of Follower

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"Jenna, are you sure about this?" Elle said to her, trailing behind where they were walking. "I feel like a major stalker!"

"Do you want to find out who Tommo is or not?"

"Yeah, I do." Elle sighed. "But this is so creepy."

"We're here now. It's too late to go back," Jenna said determinedly. Elle gave up on her feeble attempts. They were walking between the buildings of the university. It was midmorning, which meant there were a lot of people running around campus. Jenna and Elle had skipped their classes just for the slight chance of maybe getting a clue to who the mysterious Tommo was. They had looked up online when the drama classes were and they had taken the bus there.

"Okay, let's start!" Jenna said, if only a slight bit hesitant. She looked around, trying to find someone who looked like a partying type of person, seeing as the Tommo apparently partied a lot and seemed to be one of the loud people.

"Let's ask him," Elle said, pointing at a guy with a hoodie and earphones hanging out of his pocket. His hair was dark and he was kind of tan. His body was tall and he had rugged shoulders.

"Hi!" Jenna said cheerily to him. He looked back confusedly but smiled nonetheless.


"Can I ask you a question?" Jenna said, Elle trailing behind, feeling a tad awkward. "Do you know where the classes are if you're studying to become a drama teacher?"

"Uh, yeah," he nodded towards a big building about a hundred yards away. "Over there."

"Thank you! And oh, do you know anyone who goes by the name Tommo?" She watched his eyes grow darker, kind of sad and then he shook his head. "Are you sure?" she prompted.

"Yeah. Later," he said to them and strolled off. Jenna eyed his back suspiciously. "He looked like he knew."

"Can we please continue?" Elle urged. "I'd like to get back to school."

"Fine, come on then." They made their way over to the building the guy had pointed at. They opened the big door and let themselves in. The place looked like a normal school but with high ceiling and marble floor. Right in front of the entrance was a wide staircase, leading up to the second floor. Jenna and Elle asked around for a bit and found out where the classroom was.

Luckily it was on the first floor. They had put heels just so they wouldn't look so short among the older people. They were both only seventeen and the rest of the people around here was probably around their twenties.

They found the classroom and in the hallway people were hanging around, talking and laughing. Jenna eyed the crowds. "He should be here. Their class starts in like..." she looked at her watch, "three minutes."

"I don't know. He sounds like a ditcher." Elle said, frowning. It was morning after all, so maybe he'd decided to skip? She couldn't find anyone who fit the description among the crowds. No one looked very much like the Tommo they had pictured in their minds. No one was wearing striped or Tom's or looked very gay to be honest. Not to use stereotypes but still. No one looked like expected.

A man that looked like the teacher came striding through the hallway and Jenna groaned. Damn it. Tommo hadn't showed up yet. Or he was in this crowd, just looking like nothing they would've thought.

"Good day, class," the man cheered and they answered with different hello's. The students began pouring into the classroom while the teacher held up the door.

"WAIT!" a loud voice bellowed through the corridor. Jenna's head snapped around and watched a boy come running through the hallway. He was wearing Tom's and red pants that had been curled up at the bottom, revealing his ankles. He wore a snug white shirt and cardigan on top. His hair was caramel and feathery, styled in a nice fringe and his skin tanned although flustered in this moment. Yes, Jenna thought. Yes, yes, yes.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now