Chapter Thirteen: Harvey And Karma

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"OH MY GOD!" Louis yelled angrily. He shut the bathroom door again and it closed with a loud bang. His eyes. Eyes. And it was really dark. Was he blind? No, he just had them shut, and for good reason.

"NIALL! GET THAT THING OUT OF OUR BATHROOM!" He bellowed. He stormed into the living room, eyes wide and feeling quite nauseas to be honest.

"That thing has a name," Niall told him. He was lying on the couch, hair ruffled and only wearing sweats.


"When you call her by her name and not by 'it', I will gladly tell her to start using the locks on the bathroom."


"Our shower," Niall pointed out.


Niall raised an eyebrow. "You're not that slow are you?"

"No, but you're not supposed to like her!" Louis whined. No! This was not according to the plan. Niall wasn't supposed to be hooking up with her again. No! "I thought you two were over!"

"Sorry to break it to you," Niall glared. "But we're not."

"Niall." Louis put his hands on either side of his head, trying to get some sense into the boy.

 "Shauna is no good. You're supposed to like boys now. You and me," he pointed between them.

"Team gay."

"I'm not gay!"

"I thought we spoke of this! Have you even tried it out again?"

"Maybe I don't want to test it. Maybe I just want Shauna."

"You can't want Shauna! She is exactly the reason why to keep away from the females that roam this earth. If I got to choose everybody would be gay. But clearly you're not being gay because that," he pointed towards the bathroom. "Is not gay!"

Niall just scowled at him. He continued. "But please if you're gonna' go all 'I'm hetero' then for god's sake pick someone that isn't her! Shauna is horrible. She can add to the list!"

"What list?"



"Lindsay is the list."

"Whatever. I'm not letting go of Shauna. And you have no right to do what you're doing right now. You're really disrespectful and out of line." Niall told him angrily.

"Niall. I hate her."

"Well fuck you then."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Louis gasped. He was hurt. Hurt.

"No. That would gross." Niall stared at him like wtf man. Louis threw his hands in the air in exasperation.

"Oh my god!"

"Whatever. We're not talking about this anymore."

"Sure we are."


"But she's horrible, Niall!" Louis loudly complained. This wasn't going to happen again. Not under his roof! If he had to chain Niall down and have male strippers dance around him then that would be it.

"Thanks, Louis," a female voice said behind him. He turned swiftly and found Shauna standing there in wet hair and only a towel wrapped around her.

"Hey! That's my towel!"

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now