Chapter Eight: Torry

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"Babe..." Louis smiled with closed eyes, halfheartedly trying to pry Harry's hands off him. They kept trying to sneak in underneath his shirt, trailing at his sides and skimming over his stomach, making him shiver.

"No..." Harry whined, knowing what was coming. He continued kissing at Louis' neck, his talented tongue making it very hard to not give in to the temptation.

"Haz..." Louis said. "We said we'd wait..." But he pressed at Harry's lower back, bringing him closer where he was lying on top of him. Harry took that as an invitation to start kissing down his neck and collarbone. His hands grasped Louis' hips, causing friction that had embarrassing sounds escaping his throat. "Babe," he whined reluctantly. "You're killing me."

"But you want to," Harry complained and pressed their lips together. His tongue licked at Louis' lip, making him dizzy and momentarily forgetting that this was not supposed to go this way. The bigger part of him wanted to forget about it and just let himself have sex with Harry, but a smaller part of him insisted they'd wait until he was sure about it. Not that he wasn't sure he wanted to sleep with Harry, because he was definitely sure and he wasn't scared that Harry would dump him afterwards because he was honest and beautifully kind and all things positive, but he wanted them to be sure about their relationship, and having sex now when they were actually a thing would mean something. Usually Louis wasn't big on feelings and such, he just didn't do very well with those, tended to get too attached and Harry was actually the first one in a while to make Louis want to stick around since last time, so he was determined to be sure they did this thing right.

"Harold," he said and more firmly pushed at his chest.

"Fine," he sighed and rolled off him and ran a hand through his dark chocolate curls, resting on his elbow. Louis smiled at him knowing the frustration but he wouldn't give in just yet.

"When exactly are you going to let me take your clothes off?" Harry asked, looking up at him with those beautiful, green orbs.

Louis didn't want to give him the real reason, so he turned it into a joke. "When you take me out on a date. You have to wine and dine me first, hotshot," he smiled. But Harry frowned and bit his lip. "What?"

"You know that I want to take you out," he said, a bit down and eying their linked hands. "It's just hard with everything and," He shrugged. "I just wish I could and promise you at the same time that you wouldn't end up in the paper or there wouldn't be pictures of you on the Internet, but I can't. I can't promise that."

"Babe..." Louis murmured, stroking his the back of his hand with his thumb.

"I wish we could go to a nice restaurant and I could pick you up and then kiss you outside your door when dropping you off..."
"Aw, Haz," he said sweetly. "I didn't know you were such a romantic!" he cooed but with a small smirk. Harry shrugged. Louis sighed. "Harry, you know I don't need all of that. We can just hang out at home or something. It's fine."

"It's not. You shouldn't have to stay in because of me."

"Fine, then we'll go out," Louis shrugged.

Harry raised his eyebrows questioningly. "But what about what we just talked about?"

"We'll make it fun."

"How is a mob and fifty paps shouting in your face fun?"

"Oh come on, we won't get seen. We'll dress up and be weird and then I can tweet about it after and people will go crazy. That will be fun," Louis said enthusiastically and Harry rolled his eyes. "Come on Harroooolldd. It'll be fun! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, come on!" He tugged on his arm, begging loudly.

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