Chapter Two: An Extra Follower

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After two hours of web searching and frequent panic attacks, Louis knew several things about Harry. His actual name was Harry Edward Styles, he was from Cheshire, his band had been formed 2010 at X Factor and he was really, really famous. He was seen as the flirt of the band and Louis had no problem with guessing why. Those dimples and the charm that just radiated out of him said it all. The other members of the band were called Zayn Malik and Liam Payne. Louis recognized Liam as the stranger in the bathroom and realized that he'd been very, very rude. Now that he thought about, he should probably send some sort of apologetic teddy bear just to make sure Liam didn't hate him.

What Louis also had understood was that the band, One Direction (he had known that band, dammit! His sisters listened to them all the time), had a fandom that consisted mainly of girls, ages around twelve to twenty.

Louis now understood why Harry had insisted they sneak out the back door and why he'd hid from the crowds. Because of course he had not wanted to be seen leaving a club together with a bloke. If there was anything at all that stood out to Louis, it was that Harry had a huge image of being a ladies man. He had even gotten Taylor Swift. There were articles about him seeing older women, even back from the time when he had been only seventeen and what Louis didn't understand was how the hell Harry-totally-straight-Styles of One Direction had ended up making him breakfast in the morning. And he found that he and Niall probably knew something that not many people in the world could know about, because Louis was definitely sure. There was no way in hell that Harry Styles wasn't gay, or at least bi. Something else that Louis was sure of was that if people found out, hell would break loose.

"Poor Harry," he sighed to Niall. "It can't be easy not being out and with all that publicity."

"Poor Harry? Louis, he has like thirteen million followers on Twitter."

"Really?" Louis said, dropping the pity feelings. He hadn't even considered that Harry had a Twitter account. "What's his name?"

"Harry_Styles." Niall answered and Louis immediately got his phone out and searched for him. As it turned out Harry was very, very, very famous indeed. His last tweet had been about someone wearing a cheese hat and it had gotten about fifty thousand favorites and almost nearly as many retweets. Louis usually got around thirty of each.

"I still can't believe that you slept with Harry Styles and neither of us recognized him. I mean, I've heard their songs and your sisters have posters of them on their walls. This is insane. Do you have any idea how many girls would hunt you down and stick forks in your eyes if they knew?"

"Probably around thirteen million," Louis said. He still couldn't grasp this. Only two hours ago, he had unknowingly had Harry Styles in his kitchen making waffles and a couple of hours earlier than that, he'd fucking had sex with him.

"Hey! Did you get his number?" Niall suddenly asked, eyes full of hope. A serious case of disappointment filled Louis.


"Dammit, Louis! If a hot guy that turns out to be a pop star sleeps in your bed, then you mother fucking get his number!"

"It wasn't like I had much time! Remember him running out of here in the middle of breakfast? Any faint memories?" Niall only shook his head in a disappointed manner.

Louis turned to his phone again, frowning. Without thinking of the fact that Harry had turned out to be an infamous boybander, Louis had actually liked him. Normally he didn't like his one-night stands, but already then Louis had found Harry different, and he'd even let him stay the night. Harry was so warm and his lips were so soft and gentle, yet he knew how to be just the perfect amount of rough. If Louis weren't so strict about his rules then he probably would have ended up giving Harry his number. They could've been occasional fuck buddies. But now, there was no way in hell that he was ever going to get a chance to see Harry again. Louis was most probably someone that Harry was praying never were to realize that Harry was who he was and there was no way for Louis to contact him ever again.
But Louis just shrugged. It wasn't like he had expected this, right? So there was no need for disappointment. It wasn't even reasonable that he was disappointed...except for the fact that Louis had actually liked him a lot even before he'd known who he was.
Louis typed out a tweet to his mere seven thousand followers.

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