Chapter Fifteen: A Rough Time

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Running home, Louis' mind was swirling. Thoughts were going in different directions, making him dizzy almost. He ran trough the dark streets, passing people on their way to parties (it was a Friday after all) and he felt like his feet couldn't move fast enough. Did he tell Harry about the girls, or did he not? What if Harry would freak out? God, Louis was freaking out himself. How the fuck did they know? He hadn't even mentioned the name Harry to them! But... they been at the shop practically every day and could have easily overheard his conversations with Lindsay. He had said his boyfriend's name was Harry, had described him in detail and also referred to himself as the Tommo! God! How stupid was he?!

But most importantly, what the hell happened to Niall?! Harry had sounded worried. Actually truly worried. Louis' heart pounded heavily in his chest, both from the physical work out he'd just done and from actual anxiety that there was actually something wrong with Niall.

Louis finally reached his building, furiously pressing in the code, in his haste frustratingly having to do it over several times. He climbed up the stairs, not having time for the elevator (and he didn't trust it one bit anymore) and then reached his door. He yanked it open, not really sure what to expect.

"Louis!" Harry breathed out in relief, coming from the kitchen, meeting him at the door.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, but I didn't dare leaving him by himself." Louis paled at his words. Peaking over Harry's shoulder he saw Niall, thrashing around stuff in the apartment. Woah. "Can you handle this?" Harry asked him.

Louis gulped. But it was Niall. "Yes."

"Good," Harry sighed out in relief. "'Cause honestly I'm quite scared so I'm going to leave."


"Have fun with that." Harry pecked him on the cheek and all but ran out of the flat. Louis was left in the hallway, not really sure what to do.

Slowly he approached Niall who was throwing a book against a wall. It smacked loudly. "Niall?" he said hesitantly. He didn't seem to acknowledge him. He picked up one of Louis' notebooks, ripping it apart and throwing the pieces all over the place.


"WHAT?" He turned and yelled. "What is it?"

"What's wrong?"

"Everything! Everything is fucking wrong!" He picked up an empty coffee cup that was resting on the on the table, ready to smash it against the floor. Louis rushed forward, stopping the throw. He gripped Niall's arm strongly.

"Niall! Calm the fuck down!"

"Fuck you, Louis!" Niall struggled to free himself of Louis arms. "Fuck everybody! Fuck fucking every single person who –"

Louis had never seen his best friend like this. Never had he seen him so angry and violent. The two struggled, Louis trying to stop Niall from destroying more of their stuff and Niall trying to reach nearest thing to smash it.

"Niall! What is this about?"

"It's about everything! Everything sucks!"

"Please just calm down," Louis desperately begged.

Niall threw his hands in the air. "How can I calm down when absolutely everything in my life is wrong?!"

What was he talking about? He looked destroyed, ruined. Louis felt like crying because he had no idea how to do this.

"Please talk to me. Niall, love, calm down and talk to me," he begged.

"It's everything! You were right! She's a mother fucking, untrustworthy, horrible human being!" Oh. Shauna. "If you can even call her that! And it's not just that! It's that I'm fighting with you and I'm lonely and I might fail my classes because I haven't attended at least two thirds and then she's telling me she's fucking someone else with that fucking indifferent face and then apparently I enjoy kissing guys," Niall slowed down. His breathing hitched heartbreakingly, "and I'm fucking lonely! I'm lonely, Louis!" He cried out, looking like he might fall apart any second.

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