Chapter Twenty One: I'm Yours

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Louis was sitting on Harry's expensive couch, covered in sugar, only wearing Harry's old spaceship pajama pants. The girl who apparently was Harry's terrifying sister was sitting on a chair in front of him. Her eyes were scarily similar to Harry's, but they lacked of the warmth that was usually sent his way. Next her sat Robin, Harry's stepfather who just looked curious and to Gemma's left sat Anne, cross-legged and frowning.

Louis gulped loudly, wishing he had his phone on him so he could fake an emergency phone call.

"So?" Gemma asked. "Who are you?" she said the words slowly, making the question seem so much more complicated.

"Louis," he said hesitantly. Should he call his lawyer?



"Tomlinson," she tsked and Louis narrowed his eyes. Was she implying there was something wrong with his name?

"Tell me, Louis Tomlinson. How did you end up in here?" she continued.

"Er..." What was he supposed to say? I'm fucking your brother? "I-I I'm... lost."

"You're lost?" Well, if they all could stop staring at him he could've come up with a better lie!


"And you just magically knew the code to Harry's building?" Gemma raises and eyebrow.

"Well... I. I clean here." Louis wanted to shoot himself.

"You're the lost cleaner... and why are you wearing Harry's pants?"

"I- um, I do that." What the fuck was wrong with him? Robin was biting down a smile but Gemma was staring indifferently at him. Anne was still frowning.

"You're the lost cleaner who steals clothes?" Well there goes the promise of no unnecessary lies. This sort of interrogation was terrifying. But hey on the plus side, if Harry would've been the one acting FBI this could've been pretty hot role-play. Louis could be the bad maid and Harry the angry owner of the house and he'd spank him and it all could end up pretty nicely...

"I return them after," he defended his character.

Gemma rolled her eyes but then seemed to have had enough. "Tell my why you're here."

Louis gulped. What did he say? Did Harry's family know he had a boyfriend? Did they even know he was gay? Shit. God. "Er..."

"Booooo!" Harry's voice called through the apartment. There was a loud noise when Harry shut the door. Louis sprang up from the couch and crashed into him just around the corner, barely visual from where the other three were sitting. Harry's hands immediately came to his hips and pulled him into a kiss. Louis tried to explain the situation first but Harry's lips were really a good distraction. As soon as Harry let him go, only after a few seconds, Louis started jumping up down, hissing confusingly.

"They are holding me hostage! I'm a fucking stealing cleaner who's lost and likes your pants and –"

"Are you doing role play? Babe, in that case we should work on that..."

"No!" He tried to explain. "Harry your fam-" He threw his hands in exasperation when Harry pulled him towards him again.

"Why is there sugar in your hair?" Harry frowned.

"That's what I'm telling you!" he hissed. Harry kissed him again and Louis pushed him off.

"What?" Harry asked, pouting.

"Just look in the damn living room will you?!"

Harry frowned confusedly and slowly peeked around the corner. He turned back to Louis who was hiding behind him. "Why is my family here?" he whispered.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now