Chapter Sixteen: Field Day

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"So, Harry," Louis said, giving him all of his undivided attention. "How are YOU?"

"Fine...?" Harry said, giving him a weird look. They were all hanging out in the flat, Zayn and Niall hunched up together on the couch, Liam flopped on a beanbag and Louis resting back against the sofa with Harry lying on the floor in between his legs and the tv showing some lame game show. Louis had come back from the coffee shop a few hours earlier and apparently Zayn and Liam had caught word of breakfast and joined them at the flat.

"No, seriously. How are YOU? Are YOU okay? How are YOU feeling?" Louis asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm good...thank you," Harry answered hesitantly, looking up at him with a confused frown. Louis nodded thoughtfully.

"What about you, Li?" Liam shrugged. "Not anything on your chest? Nothing at all?"


"Zayn? Any problems you'd like to talk about?"

"I've got a problem," Niall offered. Louis immediately turned to him.

"Spill it out. I'm here to listen." Louis said seriously. "Just let it flow. Open your book. I'm here and I will listen," he said like what would be taken as exaggeratedly.

"My problem is you being a psycho."

"It's psychologist," Louis informed him, head high. After Niall's "little" breakdown, Louis had taken it up to himself to make sure none of his friends went around with a heavy heart or felt like they didn't have someone to talk to. What happened with Niall he was never going to let happen again. See, the new Louis. Taking responsibility, listening to his friends, being mature.

"You know what I read online?" Louis said to the famous boy banders. Wow, it felt weird thinking that. Like, the three of them were lying around in his flat looking like shit to be honest. Well, Harry was kind of pretty, wasn't he?

"What?" Liam asked lamely.

"That your new merchandise store is opening today at exactly 2pm." The three boys groaned loudly. Louis grinned. "I'm thinking, as the boyfriend of one of the three, I should definitely get some merch." His whole posture perked up at the last word. He felt very happy using that word for some reason. Merch. Me-rch. MER-ch. Mer-CH.

"Please don't," Harry said, eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched together, looking pained. Louis knew how much he hated the pink keyrings and lip smackers.

"Why not? I think I should have a few posters? And Niall and I saw a girl wearing a nice shirt once. I think I should have a couple of shirts, right?"

"Yeah," Niall grinned. "I think want some too."

"Please," Harry begged.

"Doesn't Danielle have any merch, Liam?"

"She might have a shirt..." he said regretfully.

"DON'T," Harry sat up, "encourage him, Liam!"

"See, now I have to get some too," Louis said, grinning at his boyfriend.

"Oh god."

"Who wants to come with me?" Louis grinned at them.

Niall raised a hand. "I volunteer as tribute!"

"Well," Louis gestured at his blonde best friend. "There's a taker. Guess it's you and me Nialler!"

"YES! YAAY," Niall exclaimed, pretending he'd just one the lottery.

"Louis, please do not bring home a bunch of stuff!" Harry complained and Louis tried not to think about how his stomach warmed up at the word "home". Harry spent almost all his time in the flat. When was the last time he was even home if not to get clothes? And he barely even did that. Harry's clothes already took up more than half of Louis' closet space.

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