Chapter Four: Banana Pants (Or As Straight As A Flexible Ruler)

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"Louis. Lou. William." Niall sighed. He did not want to have to do this but...

"Ow!" Louis yelled when the remote control hit his face. Ouch. "What was that for?!"

"For you not listening to a word I've said. Get your face off that phone!"

"But it's Harry," Louis protested.

"Can't you like not text him for like five minutes?" Niall said in exasperation.

"I thought you supported our relationship?" Louis gasped as if in shock. He bit his lip. Define relationship... He really didn't know what was happening. It had been three days since they'd agreed to see each other again and since Louis had gotten Harry's number they'd been texting as much as possible. Louis' hands were constantly glued to his phone and he couldn't even go to the bathroom without bringing it. You know, he could be like thirty seconds late with answering a rock star.

"Louis! I need attention!" Niall exclaimed and crossed his arms. Louis finally put away the phone and looked at his pouting friend. "You haven't hugged me recently and I feel very neglected to be honest," he said with a high chin and pout. Louis smiled. Niall was so adorable. Well as adorable one could get with nacho crumbs on the chin.

"Awe, Niall! Are you jealous?" he smiled and poked him in the ribs sweetly. Niall shuffled away, looking the other way.

"Please! Jealous of what? A conversation over a phone? You two haven't even called each other once. I'm sure you're never even going get it together enough to even dare to make that date you want so badly." Louis ignored that.

"You are so jealous, Niall! You're adorable!" Louis flung himself on him, pressing him down on the sofa.

"Get off, Tomlinson," Niall said but Louis knew he was keeping up the little act. Louis him hugged closely.

"I'm not letting go until you say you love me and forgive me." Louis said. He scoffed and tried to push him off but that only resulted in Louis clinging onto him even more. Niall looked away from Louis' pleading eyes that were only inches from his.

"Niall...? I love you...."

"Get off..."

"Niall. I'm begging your forgiveness. Say you love me." He did respond. "Say you love me!" Louis yelled, causing Niall wince at the loud noise.

"Fine! I love you!" Niall exclaimed. Louis smirked. Challenge completed.

"Umm..." The voice startled both Niall and Louis and they looked up. On the other side of the couch stood Niall's friend Darren, the guy who had thought it had been appropriate to rape Louis' lips the other night.

"Oh, Darren! I forgot you were coming over today," Niall said and Louis climbed off him from where they were lying on the couch.

"Oh, yeah. You didn't answer the door..." He wore an unreadable expression and examined Louis.

"That's fine, mate." Louis smiled at him, not sure what the look was for but shrugged.

"We should get some pizzas," Niall announced. "I'll go call for one." He left for his room and left Louis alone with Darren, who sat down on the couch next to him.

"How are you, mate?" Louis asked, making small talk.

"Um, good." Darren's eyes fastened on Louis and he suddenly felt a little self-conscious. God, he was staring so much today. Louis watched the lad swallow harshly. "Listen Louis, about the other night. I'm really sorry that I, you know..."

"Oh," Louis finally got it. So that was why he was being all weird. "No worries! We all do some shit when we're messed up. Like, I'm not the one to judge. Apparently I even sucked Niall's nipple the same night so." He shrugged. Darren still didn't seem very reassured. He was frowning slightly and his eyes kept flickering between Louis and Niall's room. "Seriously. It's alright, mate." He smiled at him and let out a hand for a reassuring squeeze to Darren's shoulder. He got up and went over to the breakfast bar, but not before picking up his phone again. Louis frowned. He had missed two texts already.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now