Chapter Nineteen: Unlabeled?

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Making breakfast had never been more complicated. Louis had a massive hangover and it seemed like nothing could cure it. He slowly lifted the milk and it felt like his arm would break at the weight. Slowly, carefully he poured it into his bowl. After that, the new challenge, coco pops. But honestly, Louis didn't think he'd make it that far. He would pass out from the pain that was mostly caused by the awful, high pitched sounds that came from Niall's phone which he was tapping, clearly oblivious to Louis' suffering.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." Louis hissed painfully.


"Stop. Texting." Niall only turned off the sounds to his keyboard and then continued tapping. Louis moved on to scowling at the box of coco pops that just wouldn't magically lift itself and do the work for him. He groaned and let his head rest against the table.


"Mrgfgnng." Louis made sounds.

Niall smacked him in the head. "Wake up! We've got class."

"Ow! Okay, fine, I'm up!" Louis groaned and Niall smiled successfully and then continued tapping. "Who the hell are you texting at 8am anyway?"

"Nobody," he answered, but Louis could see the small quirk of his lip, he was biting down a smile. Louis rolled his eyes. He was a goner.

"Please." Louis shook his head. "Say hi to Georgie for me." Niall didn't even bother denying it, has was too preoccupied with answering whatever the last text had said. Louis returned to his coco pops and forced his arm to move and pour some into his bowl. It would've been so much better if Harry had been there. He would've made him French toast and bacon and tea... but the boyfriend had a life without him. Sadly. Tragically.

Harry had had a lot to do the last week, lots of interviews, appearances on different shows, preparing for the coming out deal and also working on the new album that wasn't even being released until Christmas. It was May for Christ sake, let the boy rest. All the work that had to be done had occupied Harry pretty much all week, which led to Louis not having nearly as much Harry-time as he needed. Less Harry led to stress, dried lips, hypothermia during the nights, aching arms and cuddle sickness. It had hit Louis how dependent on Harry he'd become.

Everything he did he was thinking about him while doing it and he could barely pass three hours without hearing his voice. As much as he loved how Harry had nestled his way in and wrapped himself stuck in his life, it annoyed him how dependent on him and how needy he was. He needed to have a life without Harry too and know that if Harry decided to leave him then he would still survive (he wouldn't but still, it was the principle).

So last night he'd gone to a party at the university campus. It had been pretty great but with the hangover he was now nursing he was now contemplating on whether it was worth it or not. Shauna had been there (something he wouldn't mention to Niall) and Stan had had to tackle him into the couch to stop him from attacking her. Darren had also attended the party but he and Louis had only talked briefly, Louis with the thought of Harry at the back of his drunken mind.

So there he was Friday morning, a massive hangover killing his head and had about forty minutes to get to class. After having a well needed shower and got dressed in black skinnies, a white t-shirt and black suspenders and then styled his hair into a messy quiff, Louis together with Niall had jumped into a cab and got to their classes.

Louis took a seat in the middle, thinking that if he actually was there on time he could at least make a small effort to try to remember something. That required his seat pretty close front, but still far enough back that he could get away with slacking if things got boring.

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