Chapter Twelve: It's A Very Gay Heaven

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"Why is he coming over?" Harry asked sternly. "And why am I always here when he does?"

"It's not like I invited him," Louis said. He and Harry were standing up in the small space between the couch and the coffee table, having a small argument. Niall, Liam and Zayn were sitting on the floor by the tv, looking between them like it was a table tennis match. "He needs to come over to get his Xbox."

"Why can't you like, send it to him?"

"That would be rude, Harry," Louis said.

"How could that be rude?"

"I don't know but it's weird! Plus he lives over at campus and that's only like fifteen minutes away."

"He's in love with you!" Harry said, jumping straight to the point.

"Harry, he won't freaking pounce on me!" Louis exclaimed in exasperation. "And especially not when Niall is here."

"Why wouldn't he do it because Niall's here?"

Riiiiiiiggghttt. Oh. Crap. Great. Oh, yes. Right. Brilliant. Um. And how do you explain to your boyfriend that the guy who is in love with you believes you're dating your best friend that you made out with to make your boyfriend jealous? Oh, right. There is no fucking way. Hello? God? Could you send me down a ladder because I'm kind of done down here? Louis thought.


"Louis," Harry warned. "Tell me."

"Well, see..." He looked at Niall for help but he just smiled back, very spitefully enjoying the show. Louis gulped. Harry was going to be mad. So mad. "Umm, well... Darren saw me and Niall...uh, kissing at the party...and now he thinks we're together."

"Oh my god!" Harry exclaimed in utter annoyance and exasperation.

"Don't worry! He won't tell people! He promised me that!"

Harry stopped in his movements and slowly looked down at him. "He promised you? How could he have promised you?"

"Uhm, yeah, uh, we talked about it..."

"AND YOU DIDN'T CORRECT HIM?!" He exploded, using the same words as Niall had.

"Yeah, uh..." Louis took a few stapes back, carefully positioning himself behind Liam. He was the strongest of the audience members.

"Oh my god! Louis, I," Harry looked like he didn't know what to do with himself. "Just GOD!"

"Heh," Louis said, trying a smile a smile at him.

"I shouldn't be surprised. I don't know what goes on in your head," Harry glared.

"What a compliment, Harry." Liam said, eyes narrowed. LIAM, my prince! Louis beamed.

"Thank you, Liam!" he smiled with his eyebrows raised at Harry. "At least somebody cares about my self-confidence and feelings."

"There's nothing wrong with your self-confidence," Harry muttered and sat down on the couch like he'd just come home from a long day of work. His palm was covering his eyes as if he had a headache.

"Thanks, DARLING" Louis said.

"Why would he even assume you're together, like boyfriends? Friends kiss all the time."

"WHAT WAS THAT LOOK?!" Louis exclaimed loudly.

"There was no look," Liam said.

"THERE WAS A LOOK!" He was sure of it. Zayn's eyes flicked to Liam's once again. Louis who was resting his hands on Liam's shoulders, standing behind him, gasped again.

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