Chapter Seventeen: Signs

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Sticking his head out the door, Louis looked around. His hair was a mess from the fighting and his cheeks flushed from kissing on the floor. Immediately the two guards met his eyes and stepped forward to him.

"You could have toned it down a little," one of them said with narrowed eyes. Louis eyed the hallway, a few people farther down the path staring at him. Oh. He hadn't even thought about the fact that they could have been overheard.

"Oh." He gulped. "Could you hear us?"

"Just muffled shouts. Either way I think we should leave now before the movie ends," the other guard told him. Louis nodded and turned to Harry who was waiting behind him.

"You better pull your hoodie up," he suggested.

Louis slipped out the bathroom, ignoring people's wondering looks and making his way to the back door where he got out and waited by the black SUV. A few minutes later Harry emerged with the guards in tow, hoodie up, beanie pulled down. Louis thought he looked more like a mysterious villain than anything else. They slipped in the car and leaned back against the backseat.

Then they talked. They both agreed solemnly and stubbornly that none of them were immature, although it felt slightly ironic since they'd just been fighting with soap and water in the bathroom of a movie theatre. Harry agreed that it wasn't just Louis' fault that the girls knew although Louis also agreed that he had had big part in it. Louis told Harry that of course he knew that Harry wasn't meaning to hide him like that, and he wasn't expecting him to go out and say that he was seeing someone. He wanted him to, sure, but he didn't expect it. But Harry insisted that if that was what Louis wanted then of course he would tell people he was off limits. If only his management would allow it then Harry would do it soon.

"You sure?" Louis asked hesitantly.

"Yeah...Harvey and I already talked about telling people I like guys too, so I might as well start off with saying I'm unavailable."

"I don't want to pressure you into it," Louis bit his lip. He couldn't ask this of Harry! No one should be asked to come out. You had to want it, otherwise you shouldn't.

"Listen to me, Louis," Harry stared into his eyes. Louis couldn't do other than gaze back. "I want this. I truly do. And regardless...I'd do anything for you."

"I love you," was all Louis could whisper back. He really did. Harry was the kindest, most caring, the most adorable and absolute best person out there. He put up with all the shit Louis brought and here he was, saying he'd do anything for him. And seeing Harry's eyes light up like stars at those words, Louis promised to tell him every day because he'd never seen anything more beautiful than that.


It was Wednesday a few days later and Louis was sitting at the breakfast bar, books splayed out on the table and a frown on his forehead. Niall was by the coffee table in front of him, the same expression on his face. Studying was something that they had forced on themselves, as it was mid terms and they hadn't done it in weeks. Niall's eyes kept flicking to his phone, watching it like he expected it reciprocate his gaze, something Louis had picked up on him doing for the last days.

"She's not going to call you any faster just because you're staring at the phone."

"I'm not staring." Niall protested.

"Sure you're not," Louis smirked at him. "Don't you think it's time to give up? It's almost been a week."

"That doesn't mean she won't call."


"Stop saying 'sure'. She'll call."

"I don't think so," Louis said honestly. It was better not to get the kid's hopes up.

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