Chapter Twenty: Six Upset People

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"Niall?" Darren stared at him expectantly. "Why aren't you doing anything?"

"Um," Niall said. Louis shot him a death glare. "Erm, yeah! Uh, Louis!"

"Niall, I-" Louis said, prompting him to interrupt.

"Oh no! I feel so betrayed!" Niall cried out and Louis wanted to hit him in the face. Not smooth. Not smooth at all. Louis sat up on the bed, wrapping the duvet around his waist and threw a blanket at Harry on the floor.

"Niall! I am so sorry!"

"No Louis!"

"Niall, I love you!!" Louis hopped up from the bed and dramatically stormed towards the two.

"No!" Niall yelled, arms flying in the air. "Don't even look at me..." he sobbed. "Those eyes used to undress me and make me feel so naked and've undressed Harold." Darren's eyes shifted from Louis to Niall to Harry, trying to make sense of everything.

"But –" he started but Louis interrupted him.

"Niall, I can't beg you enough! Please forgive me! You're the sparkle sparkles in my life! You're my sunshine."

Niall whipped his head in the opposite direction and stomped into the other room dramatically. Louis suppressed the want to roll his eyes, but threw Harry's clothes at him where he was half lying on the floor, before running after Niall. Darren stood awkwardly in the doorway, eying Harry as he quickly pulled on his boxers and a pair of sweats.

"Niall my sweet love!" Louis exclaimed, sounding a bit like Romeo shouting to Juliet from the garden. "I cannot live without you."

"Louis." Niall said, whipping his hair to the side. "You had me! And then you lost me."


"Is that a butterfly on your chest?" Darren asked Harry suspiciously.


There was a loud smack from the living room. "Ow! You fucking prick –"

"Doesn't Harry Styles have one of those?" Darren frowned.

"Er," Harry said awkwardly.

Realization hit Darren's eyes and he paled. "Oh dear."

Louis was in the middle of ducking from flying pillows and other objects and trying to hold up his duvet at the same time, when Darren stormed into the room.

"You slept with Harry Styles?" he asked. His eyes were big and confused and something else that Louis couldn't define as anything else than betrayal.

"Well shit," Niall said and sat down on the couch, looking like he wasn't going to bother anymore. He might as well could've popped a pack of crisps and put on the tv too. Harry came into the room, meeting Louis' eyes, giving a tiny shrug of discomfort. Darren's eyes were swimming with confusion and thought, until they nailed on Louis.

"You're not even dating are you..." he said lowly in realization. Louis winced at the betrayed expression on his face. Louis' cheek was still stinging from the slap that Niall had placed there a few moments ago, but the look of disbelief in Darren's eyes hurt more.


"Some friend you are, Louis," he said lowly, and then he turned and left. Louis winced as the door slammed shut.

"Shit," he sighed and slumped down on the sofa.

"It's your own fault, man." Niall told him like he didn't already know, shrugging where he was sat on the sofa.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now