Playing With.....

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(from Ei point of view) 

I woke up in the middle of the night. I needed to use the restroom, so I got up and went there. As I was returning to my room, I noticed a light on in Shahasra's room. What could he be doing in the middle of the night? Come to think of it, he's been dozing off a little lately. I think it's because he stays awake until the middle of the night. Maybe I should go and ask him. So, I went to his room and knocked on the door. There was no response, but the door was slightly open. I didn't want to peek inside, but I wanted to make sure he was alright. So, I opened the door while saying, "Shahasra, I'm coming in."

But he wasn't sleeping on his mattress; he was sleeping on his work table. I walked slowly towards him. His room was a mess, with torn papers scattered everywhere, most of them being blueprints for some kind of weapon. I took a closer look at his table, and what I saw was something I would never forget. He had drawn beautiful blueprints for a polearm, with a sword beside it. There was also a scroll showing someone using a polearm—it was me. He had memorized every moment when I was using the polearm and recreated it in his drawings. According to my body movements, he had designed a polearm that would suit my skills. It was insane. I had never heard of someone doing something like this. And as for the sword, I think it was meant for Makoto. It was equally beautiful.

 It was equally beautiful

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So, all this time, he had been dozing off because of us, because of me

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So, all this time, he had been dozing off because of us, because of me. I started to feel helpless in that moment. I didn't know he would go this far for us. Slowly, I knelt down before him.

"One day, I will repay you for this. Please rest now," I whispered softly. I gently wrapped him in a blanket and blew out the candle before silently leaving his room.


(from Shahasra point of view)

I woke up in the morning, feeling aches in my neck and back. I yawned and removed the blanket wrapped around me. Wait, a blanket... I must have fallen asleep while working. Who in the world put a blanket around me? Maybe it was Mom. Whatever.

I looked at the blueprints I drew for Ei and Makoto. I think these are perfect for them. I think I should give them today because the forging ceremony will be held in two weeks. As for me, I haven't made my sword yet, and Ei needs to practice forging her polearm too.

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