The promised dream

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"Anyway, it's time to set your authorization code. Give it a name and say 'activate,'" Indra instructed.

A name... I started to think.

"Activate Ryuū," I ordered.

"Activation. Voice recognition identified and memorized. Scanning data. Facial recognition identified and memorized. Name overwritten: Ryuū. Activation completed. Awaiting orders, Master!" Ryuū responded.

"Just say 'stand by,' and it will go into standby mode. I'll explain how it works later. I'm a little sleepy now," Indra yawned. "Where is our room anyway? I forgot the way... and my head still hurts. Ouch... looks like my back hurts too now." Indra got up slowly. Following him, Pierro and Dainsleif also stood up.

"Good night, everyone. See you tomorrow morning," he said and left my room with the others.

After that, everyone went to sleep in their rooms. Our castle has so many rooms, so there were no problems hosting them. Saiguu carried the sleeping Miko to her room. It looks like she's going to sleep with her. I carried Akira, who had been sleeping the entire time on my bed, to his room. Well, he looks cute when he sleeps. Ei and Makoto will sleep in the room they used when they stayed with us previously. I think Sasayuri will sleep with Saiguu and Miko. As for Takashi, Sorakaze, Tenryou, and Yashiro, I think they will share another room. I hope Sorakaze and Takashi won't fight. Also, Tenryou and his sister had an argument before... whatever that was about, I sense a rift between them.

After putting Akira on his bed and covering him with a blanket, I walked back to my room. But there was someone there already. It was Ei. I think she has something to talk to me about—in private, I guess.

"I thought you went to sleep. What's wrong? Tell me," I asked her while closing the door behind me.

"Is it true that you are going to...?"

"Leave Inazuma in four years. Yes, that's true," I finished her sentence while cleaning my room. (Don't ask me why I'm cleaning my own room when we have maids.)

"It's not just because you want to find out who you truly are, right? It's also because of my foolish request, isn't it?" she asked, her voice wavering, mixed with anger and sadness.

Well, I'm not going to lie—she is right. It was part of my plan too. I know that as long as I'm in Inazuma, people will not see Ei and Makoto as their Shogun; their only Shogun will be me, not them. But if I make them the acting Shoguns while I'm away for years, I'm pretty sure they will win the hearts of Inazuma's people with their skills. That way, Inazuma will forget about me.

It's not like I'm leaving just to find my true self. I have everything I want—a loving family, friends, and I'm the next heir to the throne. What else do I need? My life is already perfect and secure. I lost my memories for a reason; I think my previous life was meant to give me a new one—a peaceful one... I think... but sometimes, you have to make sacrifices, even if it costs you your own sanity.

(From Ei's Point of View)

When I asked that question... Shahasra fell silent. So, all this time, I was right. He didn't want to leave Inazuma. I'm the one... who's making him leave. It's my fault. If I were stronger...

"It's not your fault, Ei. It's true that, in order to make your dream come true, I made this decision."

"THEN I DON'T WANT THAT DREAM!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with a smile and replied with a single sentence that still resides deep within my heart:

"But that is my dream, Ei... Create an Inazuma that shines Eternal for me. Only you can do it—an unchanging, unchangeable Inazuma for Eternity."

His words left me speechless. I wanted to argue more, but... I couldn't. Like Saiguu said, Shahasra had a voice that connected with people's hearts—like my sister, but even more powerful.

"But this... this is too much. I can't even repay you that much. Why are you doing this for me? We've only known each other for a year," I stuttered in sadness.

"You're part of my family. Not just a part, but the most important one after my parents. Well, you and Makoto are on the same level, anyway..."

A small chuckle escaped from my mouth. Shahasra did the same.

"Alright... you'll see. One day, I'm going to surpass you, and I won't let you down. That's my promise. For eternity."

(Present Day, Traveler)

"It was my promise to him—for eternity... He asked me to create an Inazuma that shines forever, and I tried to keep that promise for so long. I questioned myself, my methods, and destroyed everyone who crossed my path. And yet... I let him down. I will never forgive myself for that mistake," Ei said sadly.

"Ei... This story of yours, it's hard to wrap my head around," I replied.

"Yeah... you mentioned someone named Dainsleif with Prince Indra," Paimon asked.

"Yes, you are correct," Ei replied.

"Traveler, is this Dainsleif... our Dainsleif?" Paimon asked me.

"I think it is him. From Khaenri'ah. Blonde hair, same name, works as a Crown's Guard," I said.

"But... who is this Pierro guy? I've heard that name somewhere before, but I can't remember," Paimon said.

"I think you know him... because now he works as the Director of the Fatui and the very first member as well as Harbinger of the organization," Ei replied.

"Oh, I remember now... Wait... WHAT?!" Paimon screamed.

"You knew each other?" I asked Ei.

"Well, he came to our wedding, and Shahasra learned Khaenri'ah Technology and Rune Magic under him. He was a quiet guy, also dependable. But after the Khaenri'ah Cataclysm, we lost our long friendship 500 years ago," Ei replied.

Well, now this story is getting interesting. Dainsleif knew my sibling, and Pierro too. And Shahasra knew both of them. So, I'm pretty sure my sibling must have met Shahasra at some point. Everything seems to connect back to Shahasra... he is like the missing piece of the puzzle. Finally, I might have my answers.

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