Let the battle begins

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So, we headed inside and were seated with our guests. As the main figure of this ceremony, I took the head seat. There were two seats, one on the left and one on the right beside me. I thought they were for my mother and father, but they took seats somewhere else. Wait, I think I should explain how seating works in Inazuma culture.

So, as you can see, the first seat is where the household or main figure sits

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So, as you can see, the first seat is where the household or main figure sits. The two small seats beside them belong to their closest aides, parents, or someone else they choose. The long seats are where the other guests sit, facing each other.

But my two seats were empty until we heard drum sounds.

"Shogun Musou is coming. Make way," a messenger came inside.

My father sighed. "Purposely late again, your uncle is always famous for his flashy late entrances," my father told me. Yep, there goes my crackhead family. We all have some screws loose. We all waited for my uncle to come inside. Behind him, two figures followed. They covered their faces with veils, making it hard to see their faces. They were wearing kimonos similar to mine. They looked familiar.

"Ei and Makoto? I thought they weren't coming," I asked Saiguu, who was near me.

"Surprised, huh? Well... they pursued Lord Musou so much, so he let them accompany him," Saiguu replied.

"Um, but why are they... you know... wearing veils that cover their faces? It looks like they can't see where they're going," I asked back.

"Who knows..." Saiguu shrugged and smirked. She definitely knows why that is. Well, asking further would be a pain in the arse.

After they came in, we seated again. But this time, I knew who was going to sit next to me; it was Ei and Makoto. Which means this is declaring they are my fiancées.

"Hmm, can you tell who I am?" the girl who sat on the left side asked me. It was an easy question, of course. Makoto was left-handed and Ei was right-handed, so Makoto sat on the left side while Ei sat on the right side.

"Makoto, don't ask stupid questions. I know both of you," I replied. I could sense she was surprised, but she hid it well.

"Happy Birthday, Shahasra," Ei said to me.

"Happy Birthday, Shahasra," Makoto echoed.

"Thank you both," I replied.

Our conversation was interrupted by my father. "So, we are all here. Let me warmly welcome you to my household to celebrate my son's birthday. I also invite our guests from Khaenri'ah to introduce them properly once again," my father said.

Indra, who was seated in front of my father, stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Greetings, Lord Isshin, Lord Shogun Musou, and Lord Shahasra. Once again, I wish you a happy birthday. Allow me to reintroduce ourselves. I am Meghanada Indra, Crown Prince of Khaenri'ah. This is my personal bodyguard and right-hand man, Dainsleif Nightshade," the blonde-haired boy around our age stood up and bowed. "And this is Pierro Silverfang, one of the most skilled mages in our mage corps and also my private tutor. He serves as my left-hand man," the young man with silver hair stood up and bowed to us.

After that, he began to introduce others as well. When he finished, my father introduced our family. Once the introductions were done, the feast began. It didn't take long for the atmosphere to liven up. Everyone started laughing at each other's jokes. Most of our clan elders even started a drinking contest, and my grandpa Akihiko won every round. Meanwhile, I was dealing with a drunk elders who was crying and wishing me a happy birthday.

"Ei, Makoto, and the other girls were far away from us, chatting with each other. I looked around and saw Indra sitting alone in his seat while his companions were messing around with my friends. Takashi and Dainsleif, Sorakaze and Pierro—a bad match up. So, I went to meet Indra.

"Hey, sorry about my companions," I told him.

"Don't mind. Let them have their fun. Our journey was exhausting too. They have to release their stress somehow," he replied. "So, those were your wives, right?" He nodded towards Ei and Makoto, who were engaging with Miko, who was hiding behind Saiguu. Makoto was talking with Saiguu. Don't ask me how I identified them while they were hiding their faces. I think it's just intuition."

"Yeah, Ei and Makoto. But they're not my wives because we're not married," I replied.

"Man, you've got two fiancées. Lucky you are," he said, patting my back.

"I don't know about luck. Anyway, what are these?" I pointed to the two tetrahedron-shaped things flying around his head, making happy 'beep' noises. They were as big as someone's head, so I was curious about them.

"Oh, these two. I made them myself. Meet PI," the tetrahedron that was most active and making noises emitted a happy 'beep' and flashed a blue light that resembled an eye. "And this is MON," the other tetrahedron, which acted a bit lazier than PI, also flashed its blue light.

"PI stands for Predator Interface. It's my weapon that I use in battles. MON stands for Mobile Observation Network; it helps me store data, map, and navigate while I'm traveling," Indra explained. "Oh, by the way, my gift was something similar to this. I think your servants took your gifts to your room. Check it out later. I'll help you learn how to use it while we're staying here for a month."

"Thank you, but are you sure about giving me something so valuable? It looks like it costs a lot of mora and time," I asked.

"Don't worry. Actually, I want your help too. I heard you're an inventor as well," Indra said.

"A little bit, not much. I create things for fun, but nothing as advanced as this," I explained.

"For fun, huh? On our way here, we boarded an Inazuma battleship from Liyue that was sent to escort us. It was one of the most powerful battleships I've ever seen. The design and cannons were exceptional. We were even attacked by a giant sea serpent, but one cannon blew it up in a single shot, without even using a cannonball. I was curious and asked who designed the ship. He replied, 'Our next Shogun, Lord Shahasra, designed it himself.'"

Crap, I totally forgot. A few months ago, I made a battleship. The design and everything were according to my plan. It was a small prototype ship, and I installed eight Kamuijima cannons on it. Looks like it worked too well.

"I surrender, my fault. Maybe I overdid it too much," I replied, smiling.

"I think I get it. My people are like that too. They think I'm a genius, but I'm just thinking outside the box, that's all," Indra replied.

"Also, everyone tells me you're powerful. Care to duel with me?" he smirked and asked.

I usually politely refuse if someone asks to duel with me, but something felt off about him. My instincts were telling me to fight him with all my might. It was a weird feeling that threw me off. So, I accepted.

"Let's go outside," I replied.

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