Ch 83 Deaths Haunted Night ⚠️

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The four who are staying in the hotel go back to their rooms, to find them slightly different, the lights barely flickered and the tap still dripped, but they felt colder and older and more decayed, taking a shower in the ensuite when they came out there was writing on the mirrors.

Drawing the curtains there were words written behind the original position, telling them to lock up and beware. Small shivers left them getting into bed the beds were comfortable and clean, the speakers played noises very softly, you would only catch a few noises now and then.

Managing to fall asleep they were woken in the middle of the night to knocks on the door, the angles being rattled and soft sobs, the TV would turn on and a white screen of static was shown, the flickering image in the corner of the room or the shower or taps turning on. Mikey groaned put in ear plugs and went back to sleep.

Ko was laying in bed listening to the sobs, frustrated he placed his head under the pillow and drifted back off th sleep. Takeomi growled turned his phone on with music to drown out the noise. Mochi slept through most of it waking up once to the tap running in the ensuite he shrugged and went back to sleep.

Ran had slept well all night, he was a bit lonely but he was safe from the scares.

Over in the hospital, you had slept really well until you were woken up by two men jumping into bed with you, growling you snuggled back in and said "just go to sleep" they winced and held you while they listened to the noises outside the room and your snores.

Sanzu had been woken by soft touches to his head and legs, the knocking on the wardrobe and the small whispers, sitting up he saw a figure flickering in the corner of the room having enough he got out of bed and made his way to yours to meet Rindou with he same idea.

Rindou had his covers ripped off and the water turned on, the whispers and the noises from outside also the door being rattled with whispers and cold breezes on his ears and head, he got up and was going to you when he met Sanzu.

Going in your room and jumping into bed with you they realised you were happily sleeping, you growled at them to sleep, then they could hear your sleepy snores, they looked at each other and realised this noise was kinda normal for you, they held you while the noises continued and knocks on the door and walls figures appearing and disappearing, taps turning on and off. You slept happily through it all to their frustration.

Kai was sleeping off on on, he would be woken occasionally by a loud noise he would look around then go back to sleep.

Cho was laying there in hell, the noises were giving him a headache, the straw that drove him crazy was a child's voice asking "come and help us please" he slammed his head on the pillow, grabbed his headphones and played his music on full finally managing to fall asleep.

Being woken in the morning to a buzzer sounding, was different sitting up and stretching you looked at the sleepy, bruised eyes of your men and winced, giving them a kiss you sent them off to change.

Packing your bags you met the guys by the lift Sanzu and Rindou seemed the most sleep deprived, then Cho, Kai and you had slept really well. Smiling you asked "did you have a good night?" they glared you shrugged and called the lift handing the bags over to the man to be placed in reception.

Mikey had slept okay, he looked at Mochi who seemed to have slept really well then Takeomi who looked a little worse for wear, he winced when he saw Kokonoi. He said "shall we get breakfast?" he received nods they left their bags at reception, the hospital five had their bags brought over aswell.

Ran woke up happy and well rested he packed and sent his bag over to reception. Then went downstairs to meet the rest.

You all met in the food court, ordering from the breakfast menus, tea and coffee were free refills, sitting at the table you looked at the men and asked "well, how was it?" getting scowls from some and laughter from others Ko said "very realistic Cutie, I feel like hell though" you side smile and nod.

Kai said "I woke a few times but slept quite well" Sanzu said "we didn't sleep at all" to Rindou's agreement, you blinked and frowned asking "was it that bad? I didn't notice anything" they growled and Rin answered "we know, we watched you happily sleep through it all" you smile and nod.

Ran said "this area is really nice and it's sound proof" you smile gently at him. Takeomi said "it was worse than the Asylum" you nod Mochi said "I woke up once and went straight back to sleep" you looked to your brother who said "earplugs" to your snickers.

Finishing breakfast you went to sign out, doing so the receptionist frowned and said "I will be sad to see you go. I had high hopes of new permanent guests" and he smiled at you handing the watches back in and grabbing your bags you yelled out "really great guys. We will get the gift shop set up in the car park" you heard cheers back.

Frowning Mochi asks "how many staff work here?" smirking you reply with "60 for now" he blanched they all look at you and Cho says "we only saw about 20 though" you giggle and reply "no you saw quite a few, but sometimes they were real and others they were a projection" they stare wide-eyed as you say "the doctor was a staff member".

Frowning Ran asked "how? Half his head was missing" loud laughter left you as you say "really good make up artist's, the little girl is real as well, her mum works here and we used her for a projection" grimaces met that statement.

Laughing you got in the car to go home.

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