Ch 90 A Death On A Ship ⚠️

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Having received the report on the state of the cruise ship, you wince and decided to give it a visit, as it had been moved to the dock closer, walking past Ko's office, you knock and asked "want to come and see the ghost ship?" he looks up and looks at his papers, nodding he comes with.

Reaching the garage he laughed and asked "what would you of done if I wasn't here?" smiling you say "walk and bus" he blanched and nods, getting into his car you smile as you notice a shadow, humming you get in, he peels off and you laugh.

Arriving at the docks, you get out and walk onto the cruise ship as Ko admires the murder mystery cruise ship, he groans and sees it is ready to go from outside appearances. Following you he asked "can we check that one after?" you smile and nod, looking around you video it all and wince "well fuck, I could use this but it still needs an small repair".

Ko stared horrified at the damage, he stutters "what? wha, that" you flinch and say "yeah fire damage. I was hoping to use it for a part of the performance" he blinked and groaned as you say "oh well get it up to code, then use the screens, like the hospital. We can use the damage" he blinks and realised why you needed to see it.

He gasps and asks "wait you were going to have ghosts who died in the fire?" you nod then say "it's old enough, drowning, murders, suicides, accidental death. So many ways to die and come back as a ghost" he frowns and asks "then why the screens?" puzzled you reply "this will be a nice cruise, then turns into a ghost ship at sea" he pales and gulps, then laughs.

Continuing you say "small incidents start, then the last night all hell breaks loose and you have to survive until you get into port. Exciting right?" he flinched as he felt a cold touch, stopping you tilt your head as a cold feeling pulls on you, holding out a hand you are lead to a window.

Looking out you laugh then say "thank you, will you stay?" a soft touch smiling you say "on the other ship, is another he has a list of friendly places for you to visit" a small whispered "thanks" and the cold disappeared, Ko was spooked, he looked at you wide eyed, as you chuckle.

Seeing movement you ask "you armed Darling?" he winced and nods, sighing you say "stay behind me and call back up. Then shoot to kill" he nods and makes the call, you push him into a room, and crouch in the shadows, you hear a muffled conversation from the room.

Hearing footsteps you hide your presence whisper "stay hidden" and disappear, listening to the men's chattering you wince one says "I really don't want to hurt anyone, but fuck I need this job" a second nods and says "yeah, I am not cut out for beating people" they all agree apart from one man, you grin and stand behind him.

Leaning forward you quietly ask "do you enjoy the kill?" he stiffened and whimpered as you cut his throat, then shot the rest in a safe place saying "stay down idiots, fucking hell what you going to do with pipes and fists, to a criminal?" they all pale when they see you, shouting out "Ko these should be fine, they are fucking rent a cops and janitors".

He comes out and winces, then tells the others, you grab more ammo and say "your Boss outside? The museum right?" they flinch and nod, sighing you walk out the door and shoot all the men on the dock, they will live, sighing in disappointment, tsking you walk around the ship checking for any missed.

The back up arrived and you blinked seeing your twin and Mochi, waving you shout "grab the Boss on the dock. The rest came at us with fists and pipes, let them leave" they both frown and sigh when Kai yells "you are both okay?" growling "yes your boyfriend is fine, like I would let my brother get hurt" he groans.

Smiling you hand out business cards to the downed guys saying "if you want new jobs, I have several businesses" Ko watched you and gaped as Mochi and Kai chuckled, they all looked at you oddly then the cards and gasped, looking back to you as you smile and nod.

Large smiles and nods, the lower ranks helped them to the clinic for treatment, then disposed of the one body. Mochi asked "what you want done with him?" as he points to the Boss who is snivelling and sniffling, wearing a grin you state "basement".

The man wails, as he is dragged off. Looking at your twin you say "they attacked me, so can I have it now?" Ko collapsed to his knees as Mochi coughed and Kai sighed then grinned nodding saying "well it should be free now right?" Ko jerked and giggled.

They stay with you as you continue checking the damage on the ghost ship, then moving over to the murder mystery cruise, walking in Ko happily bounces and looks at everything, frowning he asks "what are you waiting on?" walking around you state "more scripts and staff. They need to learn the scripts" he nods.

Wearing a large smile as he looks around the ship, Kai says "as long as he is happy" you both grin devilishly as you watch him happily bounce around the ship, Mochi shivered and says quietly "there's now three".

Phoning Mikey he says "all OK, was a bunch of rent a cops and menial workers. The problem is in the basement, we want the museum apparently" a relived sigh then a groan and chuckle. The call ends, as Mochi watched the three of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2024 ⏰

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