Ch 89 Education And Death

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The next day you were sat thinking about the village when a thought jumped into your head, phoning Mira once answered you ask "did you take the assistant?" a chuckle then a strange voice said "um, yes, hello, I am the assistant" you laugh and say "sorry. Mira busy?" a whispered conversation then "hey Sora, sorry what can I help with?".

Raising a brow you chuckle and say "the buildings by the training ground still empty?" a hesitant "yes, why?" smiling "keep them that way for now. I want to make that area an educational workshop" a gasp then a chuckle, you finish with "get your new assistant to look for potters, calligraphy, tea ceremony, archery and ikabana etc to move in and open up a workshop".

A loud laugh then "brilliant Sora, we can get the schools in with something like this" grinning you say "fingers crossed. Also open a geisha house and a few more food stalls" a huff of a laugh "will do. Shrine and cemetery ready soon a week?" humming "okay sort it. Thanks" ending the call, Kai comes in when you say "I had an idea".

He groans and then laughs "what?" looking at him you grin wide and say "a mini bus taxi service for staff and customers, as transport between sights and businesses" he jerks blinks and grins "they can work out of the newer buildings in the village?" you smile and he laughs. Sitting at his seat he makes calls to sort the taxi service.

As you went through your papers you looked at the estate your brother bought you and said "maybe just a Haunted house attraction?" a head looked over your shoulder, giving you a cheek kiss, you smile and turn kiss in them "okay Babe?" he hums and says "a normal Haunted house? You?" growling you giggle "more like the hospital, but a day attraction" he smirks then says "Nice".

He hugs you from behind and asks "looking forward to our break?" you nod rapidly and say "I have never left Tokyo, this will be awesome", you hear voices talking to Kai you turn and wince when you see Ko asking what he was doing, looking away quickly you write down the ideas you have had, then the shrine opening.

Rin is chuckling into your neck, and whispers "back ups?" you moan and nod, then you blink and grin writing an idea down for the fair ground Ko got you, and an idea for the mine, humming happily you hear a growl and you grin wide saying "brilliant idea right? Your people can use it also" he groans and nods sighing.

Sanzu comes rushing in and asks "did anyone approach you about the ww1 stuff?" shocked you shake your head then jerk saying "I did receive a weird phone call the other day from a small museum. I thought it was prank" he groans and says "they killed the man and sent the head" laughing you say "why send the head?" he sighs.

Looking into your eyes and say "Love, most people would panic getting a human head in a box delivered. They probably assumed you would call the police and want to get rid of the stuff" frowning deeply you reply "but it was a gift? And why would I give it up?" Kai laughs and says "stop now man, you know how she is?" he sighs and nods.

Walking over he kisses you and says "just be safe while out and about okay? They have killed once" you smile and say "okay Pinky, but I have a few more marks on my card than one" pausing you then grin wide and ask "what kind of museum is it?" he looks at you and pales as Ko groans and grabs his head, Kai kisses him and says "wait until they make a move first sis, then take them out if needed" pouting you nod.

Ran runs in and smiles, at your pouting face walking over he kisses you and smirked handing you a card, blinking you shout and ask "really? They contacted you about this?" he smiles wide and said "I will take payment later" chuckling you phone them, coming off the phone bouncing you phone Mira and scream down the phone "I have the Tamae (tea ceremony), I will send the details they want profit" a laugh then "I will get them in ASAP" as she hangs up.

Ko says "what? Who?" you still smiling say "the area by the training ground is going to be turned into educational workshops, all historical" then hand him the sheet you had been working on, he read through it all then says "one large purchase" placing the papers down he smiles kisses Kai then walks out humming.

Looking at Kai, he chuckles and buys the area you wanted, to a screech and a door slamming as you shout "I got permission first" they all went to see what you had bought and winced, looking at you as you say "it's Haunted, plus I can park my train there" they blink and ask "what train?" blinking you say puzzled "the one I am going to buy".

They shake their heads, give you loving kisses and leave to your chuckles, walking past Kokonoi's office they hear him ranting about a train station. Taking a wide birth of his office they leave on their mission.

Kai looked at you and winked, saying "the largest warehouse is being converted for a garage, I have also put the word out for drivers and mechanics" you purse your lips and nod "we could do a few haunted, or ghost tour ones also? The staff could come on and off as ghosts or dying etc" he laughs and nods.

Mikey walks in and sees you both giggling and he sighs and sits with you asking "the screech?" you smile and show him the station, he blinks and smiles when you say "he gave permission for a large purchase" holding back his laugh he asks "so you bought this straight away?" smiling you nod, he let's the laugh go and hugs you both tight.

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