Ch 68 Death Lives History

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The time travel escape was ready, you had one inn that had a limit of 20 people, their technology was confiscated and they were given sets of traditional dress before entering and money was changed to old currency, the whole area was surrounded by thick stone walls and a wooden gate.

A bridge separated that area from the other, walking in you were transported back in time, every staff or shop owner in this area had to act as history dictated. The longest you could stay was four days, when you had left you could buy an information booklet and a picture from the concealed security camera.

If you wanted more that four days you could stay at the inn on the other side for the rest of time. A lot of the shops showed ancient or traditional ways of making items they had a work shop open to visit plus they sold the wares in the front of the shop.

Every place or shop had an information board to explain the importance of this or the age of the building, you did have a fence around this part aswell, you didn't charge for entry because you found people out clubbing for the night might use the inn, looking you planned to open another inn.

Once finished and before opening you and the guys gave the time travel escape a go. Getting changed into traditional dress you were escorted over the bridge and the gates were opened you wowed at the scene behind the gates. Giggling you ran in looking around, the guys walked in slowly behind you in awe at everything that had been accomplished.

Taking your cloth bags you checked in to the inn and then went exploring, sweet shops, clothing stores, a restaurant, bath house, there was even a tavern and geisha house. Wandering around you saw the samurai police force.

Smiling you say "Takeshi did a really good job, plus the staff. I am so proud" walking around Mochi asked "why only four days?" you laugh and say "don't you think you would be bored after four days? This place is great but there is only so much to do" he stopped and chuckled saying "clever girl. They can always come back again" you chuckle.

Walking over to the bored you looked at the laws posted, you gasped the guys followed and started laughing at some of the laws, Sanzu said "this is probably the time we should of been born in?" they all look and laugh agreeing.

Holding your brothers arm you ask "should we get some sweets?" he chuckles and escorts you to the tea house, sitting in you chuckled and said "thank God this isn't a tea ceremony, as much as I enjoyed learning it was exhausting" Ran laughs and says "you looked like Death warmed over".

Growling at him then laughing you received the menu and ordered, when it came out your eyes shined saying "to think it is this exquisite without the tech?" they tuck in agreeing. Spending only the one night here, the guys apart from yours decided to go to the geisha house and have a look, you spent the night out and walking around the streets with your Trio.


It was the night of your Birthday, you dressed up nicely and the guys were all dressed to the nines, taking you to the limo, they made you close your eyes, the excitement growing as you wondered where they were taking you. Feeling the limo stop they all got out feeling a hand, they help you out.

Standing outside your brother says "open your eyes" doing so, you focus and gasp in shock, staring you ask "How? This is, Oh my God" they laugh and Ko says "it's amazing what money can get" you are shocked still them scream "it's the fucking national museum" you grab them and hug them all hard.

Chuckling they lead you inside, walking in all the important people were here, the main entrance had been set up with tables of food and a portable bar a banner was across saying Happy Birthday Sora. Saying hello to everyone you shout out "I can't wait"as you run off into the exhibits.

Laughter followed you, wandering around and spending time looking at all the history, finding a ancient coffin and burial goods you winced and payed your respects thinking I may keep body parts but I never disrespect graves or final resting places, especially for an audience. Continuing on you find an imitation cell and torture instruments, you giggle in glee.

Inspecting everything you are so happy, feeling three familiar presences you wait while looking at execution orders, the come and hold you surrounding you with their auras, dulling your presence you relaxed into them allowing them to consume you.

Rin asks "so I assume you are having a good time?" giggling you give him a cheek kiss saying "this is awesome, I never knew you could do something like this" he pulls you in for a deep kiss, Sanzu says "we would do anything for you Sweetness" as he kisses you and Ran holds you whispering "it's not that creepy for me so it's perfect" laughing out loud you kiss him.

The excitement is still there so you drag them around the museum, after hours of exploring you head back to the main entrance, getting a drink and having some food you all socialise, small tears gather as you see the people who care about you all together.

Feeling arms around you, leaning in you whisper a wet "thank you so much for finding me brother" he holds you closer and says "thank you for accepting me" you both watched everyone.

Music starts to play, your brother pulls away you look at him as he holds out a hand saying "would you care to dance?" smiling big accepting he starts waltzing you around the floor, you dance with everyone and they dance with each other, surrounded by the relics of your ancestors.

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