A new girl in the glade falls hopelessly in love with Newt, but what happens when her past unfolds. Lilah can no longer hide from the truth. She must face her battles. While balancing her live life. Easier said than done.
✰Will Lilah choose...
Art Deco (Instrumental) - Lana Del Rey __________________________________
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The night was cold and dark. Sitting in the slammer with Thomas, we talked about what happened between Gally and him.
Our back's leaned against a wall as I purposely sat close due to the coldness in the air.
"He's afraid of change, Thomas."
"No kidding. But I just get so frustrated. Why can't he just mind his own business?"
"The glade is his home and there's people here that he cares about- It's only natural Gally is acting this way. It's annoying, I get it. But understandable." I picked at my cuticles.
Thomas dropped his head down in defeat. "How are you so wise? After everything? After the way he treats you?"
Clueless, I shrugged my shoulders. Moving my knees towards my chest. "I don't know, I guess- I just kinda look at it from his perspective?" I laughed bitterly. "But it doesn't stop me from standing up for what I believe in."
Thomas titled his head back up. He looked to right where I sat. A smile perked on his face. "That's why you're my best friend." He nudged my arm. "I wouldn't be able to do it without you."
"Me neither." I agreed. "Do you think we were friends in the past? You know, before the maze?"
"Yes." Thomas said without an ounce of doubt.
"Probably even more than that." A voice from outside of the pit spoke. I jumped up; startled.
"Who's there?" The brunette called out.
"It's just me-" The person came into light. "Chuck."
"Hi, Chuck." I greeted him with a smile.
Chuck slid a white cloth in between the bars of the slammer. "Here. You guys would run better on a full stomach."
Thomas took the cloth and opened it up, revealing several pieces of bread. "Thanks, Chuck." He said with a smile. Thomas held out the bread for me to grab a piece before he did.
"What were you guys talking about?" Chuck asked.
I tilted my head to the side, sending him a knowingly look. "Nice try. We already know you were eavesdropping, nosey posey."
He didn't bother to deny it. "Only the last part." He explained. "And by the way I think you guys knew each other. Before the maze."
Thomas swallowed a small piece of bread. "Really?"
"Are you seriously asking me that?" I looked at Thomas while smirking. It was funny seeing Thomas and Chuck interact. For some reason Chuck was always humbling Thomas.
"Of course I think that. And I'm not the only one. At one point everyone thought you two had been a thing."
"A thing?" I amused.
"Yeah, Minho and Frypan even made a bet."
I laughed at that. It sounded exactly like something. those two weirdos would do. Minho never fails to amaze me with how unserious he can be.
"Ok, that's just not true." Thomas stated. Chuck and I turnt to the boy, confused. Noticing this he began to explain. "Why do people keep on thinking we are dating?"
"Hot duo equals misunderstandings." I shrugged.
Thomas rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night." He sarcastically said to me.
"Well, technically the gladers don't think that anymore." Chuck bite into his pice of brand and finished chewing before explaining. "It's Newt and Lilah now."
He threw up jazz hands, flicking his stubby fingers in the air. While, I felt my self slowly lean back and blush.
"What about them? Thomas initiated. I could see glance at me mischievous before looking up at Chuck.
The curly head leaned forward with glee. "Rumor has it Newt and Lilah are dating." He whispered as if Iw want there and listening to their conversation.
With that I almost choked on my bread. I coughed several times trying to properly digest the food that was going down my throat.
"What?" I finally asked.
"You heard him." Teased Thomas.
"Haha very funny, Thomas." My eyes trailed between the two boys who waited for me to spell my most darkest secrets. Just kidding. But that's what it felt like.
Eventually they stopped pestering about the manner and I was able to eat in peace without Thomas and Chuck in my ear, pleading for me to spell any ounce of drama.
I ate silently. Finishing up my piece I looked at Chuck. The curly head was sitting down on the ground, holding up something in his hand.
"What's that?" I curiously leaned forward to get a better look.
"What do you got there, Chuck?"
He showed us a small figurine made out of wood.
"Wow, that came out pretty damn good." Thomas admired the chunk of wood.
"It's so cute." I nodded my head in agreement with Thomas. "What is it for?"
Chuck took a long stare at the object. "My parents."
"You remember your parents?"
"No." Chuck vastly responded. "I mean, I know I must have them. And wherever they are, I'm sure they miss me..." His voice drifted. "But I can't miss them because I don't remember them."
I looked at the young boy with sympathy. "I'm sure they miss you, too. Who wouldn't? You're a good kid." I tried to lighten up the very depressing mood.
Chuck brightly smiled. "Thanks, Lilah.-What do you think you guys are going to find out there, tomorrow?" He changed the subject.
"Uh I don't know. But if there's a way out, Chuck-Minho, Lilah and I are gonna find it." Thomas stated with an encouraging and determined tone.
Chuck held out his figurine. "Here."
"Chuck why would you give this to me?" Thomas refused the object but grabbed it after a while.
"I can't remember them anyways. But maybe if you find a way out, you guys can give it to them for me." Chuck stood up. "I'll let ya sleep."
I glanced at the object in Thomas's hand. The brunette looked at me and I nodded in agreement. Taking it from his palm.
"Chuck." Thomas shouted.
Chuck waddle back to the pit.
"Put out your hand." Thoma demanded and Chuck listened.
I put the wooden object in his palm and gently folded his fingers over it. "You keep it." I said.
"We want you to give it to them yourself. We're gonna get out of here. All of us. Okay?" Thomas's eye met mine. "I promise."
Chuck stared at us with an unreadable expression. "Yeah. All right. Goodnight." If he believed Thomas's word he didn't show it.