Lola Pov

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******Hey y'all! Sorry for the late update I'm in college and try my best to update when I get free time. Hope y'all are liking it!😊*******

"Are you nervous?" Taijah asked me while pulling into my families driveway.

"Girl yes and you should be too! We about to get chewed the fuck out" I told her shaking my head.

"Fuck chewed baby we bout to get devoured. I don't know why you just didn't let them know that you were moving and that nobody can stop you. Now look at us... we left a month ago and went no contact I'm scared as shit."

I nodded my head agreeing to her. I knew I couldn't take their no's and negativity so I felt I just had to leave. After we came to clean out Taijah house we left and never looked back. It's not because they treated me wrong or because I just didn't want to be around them, I didn't have a backbone then, and I knew they weren't going to agree to me moving out let alone a few towns over. I was tired of feeling suffocated in this busy ass city.

"Let's go in" I told Taijah as I saw my grandma angrily walking to the car.

"Where have y'all been!! Y'all had us worried sick!! Y'all had to been far away cause we couldn't sense yall! I bet y'all don't ever leave this house again I tell ya that!!" My grandma yelled before hitting us with her cane.

"Grandma let's go inside and I'll tell every body where I've been." What does she mean she couldn't sense us. Old people and their slang I guess.

"You better!"

It fell silent once we made it in the house.

"And where have y'all been?" My mom asked me before walking up to me.

I took a deep breath and let everything out.

"I got tired of feeling suffocated in this busy city and not being able to live freely without judgment. I felt like I needed to be somewhere small and open, so I decided to buy a house a few towns over. I got a job and asked Taijah to move in with me." I told them without breaking eye contact with my mom. I felt like it was too soon to tell them about Caine so I kept that part to myself.

"Why couldn't you be an adult and tell me how you felt? I would have disapproved the move but you still could've told me how you felt." My mom told me while crossed her arms.

"That's why I didn't tell you. You're right I'm grown with a career and I should be able to make my own life choices without worrying about my family getting in my way."

"But I don't understand why you'd want to leave when you have everything you want right here. I get it the city is busy and hectic and you feel suffocated, but why leave your family and your home? You know we're a close knit family."

"I didn't have everything I wanted but now I do. I don't want to come off as selfish. I am grateful for everything that every single one of you have done for me, but I want to be on my own and out of the city. I don't want to be monitored 24/7 I just want to live." I was trying to desperately get her to understand where I was coming from.

" You could have told us that and we would've backed off a little. You don't go move two towns away and not contact us. I like you close so I can make sure nothing happens to you two. You could've lived a couple houses down from us there's two for sale now. I want you to come back home I'm not comfortable with you that far away." She's still not understanding me.

"Mom I won't be moving back home. I like where I am and I've bought my house full out. You're still not understanding where I'm coming from you're only worrying about yourself. I let you know now what I decided to do and you're still telling me no when I've already done it. I'm an adult and I make my own decisions. I love my new house and I'm happy with my current situation."

"She's right, and they're old enough now it's time to let them know about who they are and why we like to keep them close." My grandma said before placing her hand on my mom's shoulder. My mom sighed and I looked at her confused.

"Grandma what are you talking about? Let us know who we are?" I asked her confused as hell.

"I'm not your mom... I'm your aunt, your mom is my big sister. Taijah is your sister and was raised by your fathers little sister. This whole family belongs to a tribe in the motherland. Your mom is the queen of the tribe which makes you the princess, and we had to vacate because of the war. I'll tell you more about the war later. We're a spiritual tribe. We work with the spirits and the earth. You have a powerful connection with the spirits and the earth, more powerful than the queen herself. I know this is a lot to take in but you have to be open minded." I looked over at Taijah and noticed she was just as shocked as me.

"So... we're part of a tribe in Africa that I'm the princess of and we're here... Taijah is my sister and you're my aunt....I just can't believe that."

"I'll go get the box your mom left y'all because it's true." My mom or aunt told me before walking away. I just can't believe it.

My aunt came back and handed me a cardboard box filled with jewelry, letters, handmade toys, and clothes. I can't believe they hid all this stuff from us, and for this long.

"Is our mom still alive?" Taijah asked our aunt, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know. She told us to leave and never come back unless she sent us a letter to return... and she hasn't sent us a letter and it's been years." I looked at Taijah still trying to wrap my head around everything.

"What do you mean by spiritual tribe and me being the most powerful?"

"Thats a long story and we've already laid a lot out today, but that's why we didn't want you to move too far away. Spiritual beings aren't the only beings out there that seem abnormal. There's shifters and witches all kinds of things"
I looked at her with wide eyes shifters and witches.

"That's... a lot to take in. I understand why you don't want us too far away, but you can't keep us sheltered forever. We're still going to continue to live where we do, and I'll come back to visit often. I want to give you or address but I know y'all would find it hard to let us live freely. I need to go home and take this all in but I'll make sure to reach out so we can get a better understanding of the war and spiritual lifestyle." I told my aunt before giving them all hugs and leaving.

"I can't believe this shit." Taijah said while looking at me crazy.

"Girl me either honestly. The only part that makes sense is us being sister."

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