Lola Pov

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I got everything loaded in my car last night and decided to leave around 4am while everyone was sleeping. I didn't want to let my family know where I moved until I got the key and fully moved in. I stayed at Taijah house until it was time to hit the road, since she lived near the exit of the town and would be coming with me. I've also been getting to know Caine and can't wait to see him again. He insisted on helping me move in so I told him I'll keep him on standby since I kneel ordered everything and the movers would be bringing it all.

"Are you excited?" Taijah asked me breaking my thoughts.

"Yes I'm very excited I can't wait to get fully moved in and decorate. I visit the hospital I'll be working at later today for orientation. I feel like everything is working out great." I told her excitedly.

"Good I'm happy for you and you're not too far away for me to visit."

I pulled into the drive way and saw my realtor waiting in her car for me. I got out the car once parked and headed to her.

"Hi! Here's your key sweetie. I received the money you wired over and I'm happy I could help you find your dream home! I hope you really enjoy it here." She said before handing me the key and getting my signature. I headed to my house to clean up.

"It wasn't really that dirty." Taijah said before dumping the mop water out.

"Yeah I know I just wanted it sparkly clean before the movers came. Are you ready to go decor and grocery shopping?" I asked her while locking the door.

"Yes! This is my favorite part!" Taijah said before running to the car.

We had made it back to the house just in time. The movers pulled in behind us. We got everything moved in. Me and Taijah put up the groceries and decor as well as the stuff I brought from my old place before I got dressed to go to my orientation. Taijah decided to stay the night with me and help me cook the first meal so I couldn't wait to get back home.

"How'd everything go?" Taijah asked me when I walked in the door.

"It was fine, I'm happy that I get to start next week so I get to relax on my new house for a week. It's nothing like the last hospital I worked for but I'll be able to manage no big deal." I told her while taking off my shoes. "I'm going to go shower then I'll be ready to cook and drink."

Walking away I realized I haven't texted Caine back today and decided to do so once we started cooking. I spent two hours cleaning, oiling, and twisting up my hair then washing my body. I got out of the shower and oiled my body and put my silk green night gown and fluffy white slippers on then headed down stairs. While making it midway I heard a deep laughter coming from the living room. I hit the corner and Caine and Mace were sitting on the couch. Caine stopped laughing to turn around and look at me.

I felt the temperature rising as we made eye contact. "Hi beautiful. I've been reaching out all day and haven't heard anything back. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and see if you needed any help moving in." He said getting up from the couch and coming towards me. I could see his eyes change colors. I felt now that's something normal like when I get into the light my brown eyes become a softer shade of brown.

"Sorry I had a busy day today. I planned on messaging you back once I made it out the shower." I told him while stopping in front of him. He pulled me in for a hug and inhaled my sent. I hugged him back and smiled. I don't know what it is about Caine but he's different and makes me feel safe. "You look and smell amazing baby." Caine said while leaning down to place his forehead on mine. I thanked him and pulled back. He definitely knows how to get my panties wet. 

"We were getting ready to cook do you guys want to stay and eat?" I asked them while heading to the kitchen. "Yeah!" Caine and Mace replied excitedly.  I giggled and started cleaning my chicken to sear them to make smothered chicken and mashed potatoes with a side of garlic string beans. "I'll make us some drinks." Taijah said getting out of her seat and coming into the kitchen with me. "We're going to celebrate your new house in the right way." Taijah said bringing out the alcohol, fruit, and mixes we bought from the store earlier. "What are you making first?" 

"I think I'm going to start with the lemon drops." She got all the ingredients ready and started coating the rims of the glass with sugar, while I moved on to seasoning my chicken and placing it in the oven. I started peeling my potatoes and Taijah handed me my glass then gave the Caine and Mace theirs. "Cheers to your new home!" Taijah said raising her glass. We touched our glasses and sipped on our drink. Well Taijah and I sipped out drinks while the boys took theirs to the head. "That was good T. Could we have another one with mostly alcohol?" Caine asked her walking towards the kitchen. "Of course. Now you have to finish yours Lola, we cant let them out drinks us." Taijah said laughing. I downed my drink and finished cutting up the potatoes while waiting for my next drink. "Okay here's the drinks, and after those I have a different cocktail for you guys to try so don't get drunk too fast." Taijah said snickering. 

I took a sip of my drink and scrunched my face up. She definitely didn't have to make mine as strong as theirs but I refuse to take an L to the boys, so I'll finish it. I got my potatoes in a pot to boil and cleaned my green beans then seasoned them to put in the pan to sear in the butter and minced garlic. I finished my drink off and checked on my chicken to collect the broth and make my gravy to smother the chicken in. "Are you ready for the next drink?" Taijah asked me looking at my empty glass. I nodded my head and continued to cook. I was starting to get tipsy and started to prepare the rest of the food so I could finish cooking without messing it all up. Taijah handed us all the new cocktails, it was a classic whisky sour. We know it's not a good idea to mix brown and clear liquor but tonight was about having a good time so we'll deal with the consequences in the morning.

I placed a lid on my string beans and took them off the heat, and then poured most of the water off my potatoes and started mashing them. I let them cool down before adding the milk, butter, and seasonings. I cleaned up the mess I made and went into the living room with my drink and sat with everyone else while waiting for my chicken to finish. 

"Lola I was telling them about the time Mark got us all in trouble because he got caught up with  his boyfriends at your house and they all started fighting." Taijah laughing loudly. I started laughing with her and sat beside Caine. "I can't wait to try your food beautiful." He said pulling me onto his lap. I could feel my kitty purring and drooling. I smiled and thanked him. He looked at me with lust and started squirming on his lap. I felt his dick pressing against my thigh. There's no way in hell you can keep me off this man tonight. I got up to take my chicken out of the oven, and let everyone know that it was time to eat. Taijah made us more drinks while I made everyone plates. 

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