Lola Pov

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"Hey Lola! How's your house hunting coming along?" My work friend Jasmine asked me.

"It's been stressful, but I'm going to view a home tomorrow a few towns over that I really like!" I replied. I'm so excited about this home. I've been working my butt off and saving since I decided to start my nursing career five years ago. It was finally time to leave this dreadful city, which made me feel like I was trapped. I've been here all my life, twenty-five years to be exact, and I knew once I got the opportunity to leave, I'd jump at it.

"That's good to hear! I'm so excited for you, girl! Tell me what it looks like!" Jasmine asked me eagerly. One thing about work friends: they nosy as hell, but that's okay because I am to.

"Ouu girl, it's soooo beautiful! It's a cabin-style home that was rebuilt with a modern touch to it. It has big floor to ceiling windows in the living area with a big kitchen and two big bedrooms." I said this while showing her pictures of it on my phone. 

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"Girl, I know that's about to cost you an arm and a leg, but it's so beautiful! What does your family think about you moving all the way out there?" She said this while side-eyeing me

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"Girl, I know that's about to cost you an arm and a leg, but it's so beautiful! What does your family think about you moving all the way out there?" She said this while side-eyeing me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

Jasmine knows I have a really close family that's very spiritual. Since I was a little girl, my family has always held me close. I never could stay over my friend's house, go out after a certain time, or hang out with my friends. Which is why I'm a homebody now, with my only real friends being my gay cousin Mark and my childhood friend Taijah. My family says they protect me in that manner because I'm special, but if you ask me, I think it's because I'm the only girl.

I told my close family about what I planned on doing but left out the fact that I wanted to move to the countryside instead of living in the city; only Mark and Taijah know that part. That's because if I did mention it, my grandmother would tell me that an open space like that would bring in too many negative spirits and that I shouldn't be far away and to move near by.

Which is why my parents built me a tiny house in the back of their home. So I just decide to put on my big girl pants and make the decision on my own without others advice or criticism.

 So I just decide to put on my big girl pants and make the decision on my own without others advice or criticism

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"Girl hush, I told them about me moving... but not that I was moving to the countryside. That stays between me and you." I said to Jasmine while finishing my notes before clocking out.

"Sir, yes, sir!" Jasmine yelled while putting her hand up to her head before laughing.

"Girl, you're so goofy. I hope the next hospital I work at has someone as funny and energetic as you!" I stated while giving Jasmine a hug and saying goodbye.

"Girl, you could never find another girl like me, because I'm THAT GIRL! I will miss you though, and good luck on your future endeavors." She said she was releasing from our hug.

I left work after saying goodbye to a few more people and getting in my car to head out. Once I made it home, I took a shower and started preparing a meal while I called Mark and Taijah on three-way. After I finished cooking, I started packing my bag to take on the road while I travel to the countryside later tonight to get ready for the house viewing tomorrow.

"So are y'all coming with me tonight or not?" I asked my them while preparing a plate.

"Girl, you know we are going with you tonight. I can't wait to see what it looks like in person." Taijah said.

"I know; I'm so excited for you, cousin. Now all you have left to do is find yourself a man, and you are good to go." Mark said this while laughing. I rolled my eyes and started eating my food.

It's not like I can't get a man, but I'll be damned if I get with somebody who doesn't know my worth and tries to use me. It's hard to find real love out here, and to be quite honest, I'm not in a rush; I'm living my best life, if you ask me.

"Mark, you need to be worried about your many men; why are you in my girl business?" Taijah said while rolling her neck.

"Girl, don't do me! I like to have options, which is something y'all don't know about. That's why, after we visit your house tomorrow, cousin, we're going to find a nice little spot to hang out at." Mark stated smirkingly.

"Mhmm, Mark, anyway, y'all be ready. I'm about to clean up, get dressed, and come get y'all." I told them before hanging up.

I threw on my brown Nike sweats, a white crop top, my brown Nike cardigan (for when I get cold), and my all-white Air Max 97. I fluffed my Afro out, and of course I can't leave without my gold and brown bracelets and necklaces. I grabbed my keys and left to pick up my besties.

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