Lola and Caine Pov

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"Alrighty, are you ready to go, Lola?" T asked me after returning to the living room.

"Yep, I'm ready." I told her. We're getting ready to go visit our family.

"What about us?" Caine asked me with a pout on his face.

"And what about you?" T asked him with her eyebrows raised, which made him frown a little.

"We want to go," Mace told T while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Were going to meet our family; remember, I don't think today is the day for you guys to tag along." I told them.

"Today would be the perfect day. You told me last night that you were going to speak with them about us being shifters so we could educate them and answer any of their questions about shifters. Also, I need to know more about you and your bloodline since you are my mate." Caine looked at me with a satisfied look on his face. I smiled, then caved in.

"Okay, but only talk when you're spoken to; I'm not trying to step on any toes. The point of visiting them is to find out more information and now introduce you guys, but that's it. Okay?"

"Okay!" Caine and Mace answered together with a smile on their faces.

"Now let's go."


We made it to our aunt and grandma's house, then made our way inside. Everyone looked at us with their brows lifted, and I couldn't help but laugh a little even though I was nervous.

"Hey! Everyone, this is Caine and Mace; they are our boyfriends." I told them nervously.

"Boyfriends, well, can they speak for themselves?" Our grandma asked with an annoyed look on her face. Caine cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Caine, and it's very nice to meet everyone." You could tell Caine was nervous, so I smiled to let him know that he did well. Mace introduced himself next.

"Hi sugars. It's nice to meet you all." My grandma told them with a warm smile on her face. She walked towards me and whispered in my ear.

"Their auras are welcoming and calm." She told me before patting me on the back and sitting back beside my aunt.

"I'm their aunt—well, more like their mom, really. My name is Rene, and it's nice to meet you, fellas." She told them while shaking their hands. Everyone followed suit and introduced themselves to the boys, and vice versa. After they were finished, I began to talk.

"I wanted to talk to you all about something serious that came up."

"In front of them?" My aunt asked me with her head cocked to the side.

"Oh, let the girl speak; I can sense that they already know. There's also something off about them too." My grandma interjected. My aunt sat back in her seat as my grandma pushed me to continue speaking.

"Grandma You're right, they already know, but you also should know that they're shifters." I told them as I nervously waited for their response.

"SHIFTERS! Oh no, they have to go, baby. I'm sorry, but we can't have their kind around here." Everyone got up and agreed with our grandma.

"No disrespect, grandma, but why not? You said yourself that their auras were calm and welcoming, but now they are not allowed because of them being shifters." I asked her, confused. I know it's wrong to question your elders, but I was confused as to why she no longer wanted them around. She frowned at me then carried on the conversation.

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