Chapter 2

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"W-who are you? Where are you?" I asked, startled. I mean, who wouldn't?

"You do not have to speak aloud, Madelyn," said the voice. "Speak to me within your mind."

This was it. I was going crazy. I had hit my head too hard and I was hearing voices.

"I assure you, Madelyn, that you are not going crazy. I'm the canary that you saw. But I'm not exactly normal."

"Geez, who would've guessed." I thought sarcastically.

"Now calm down, and I'll explain everything, Madelyn."

I took a deep breath, glanced at my phone, and replied with. "Alright; explain."

"You know the legends of werewolves and vampires. Well, it's real. But they aren't the only supernatural creatures. There are weres for pretty much every creature that has ever existed. And there's a spirit of the animal within the individual. They provide guidance and support. That's me. I would've been with the council of spirits, where I had a place, had I not been captured. Since council members can assume a physical shape, I did. But after a fox attack, I ended up in your yard. And you know the rest."

"So you're saying..."

"That you can transform into a canary? Yes. Well, other species of bird as well, due to me being part of the council as a representative of avians. They'll find a new representative, surely, but I'll - no, we'll still have access to a wide spectrum of avian choices."

"This isn't real."

"Oh, but it is. And since your dad is out, I was thinking that I could show you how to shift."

Well, if this was fake, I could laugh in this voice's face. Or laugh at it period. I wasn't entirely sure this was real, and I was half-convinced that I was going insane. But if it was real, I would have the reassurance that I wasn't going insane.

"Alright. So, how do I do this... shapeshifting thingy."

"Go outside first, into a concealed area where nobody can see you. Then, I'll tell you."

I climbed out of bed, smoothing my shirt before walking outside. I went behind the bush that my parents had planted, and then asked the canary "What do I do next?"

"Remember what my physical form looked like? Just picture that in your mind, and focus on transforming."


I recalled the moment that had happened mere hours ago. I remembered the yellow feathers, how vibrant they were. I focused on changing. This isn't going to work, I thought to myself.

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