Chapter 55

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I spun around. A dark-haired man stared at me, seeming to radiate this insanity.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Head of the hunters," he replied "You defeated Mr. Jones, and now, I will defeat you."

"B-but it wasn't me!" I sputtered indignantly.

"He's dead, you're standing in front of the building where he died."

It was at that moment when he lunged at me, transforming into something. When red scales rippled across his skin, I knew what he was transforming into.

A dragon. Well, this just got so much harder.

I flew up, watching him. I kept my knife in hand, even though I knew that I'd have no chance at penetrating the scales. The head hunter flew up, sending a stream of fire my way, and I dodged it. But seriously. What was it with the hunters and fire?

I didn't stand a chance against him; he had scales and fire-breathing, while I was here, giving him an opportunity to shoot at me. My only option was to stall him until the others came up here. He came at me, and then, I saw a flash of something. A grin spread on my face. He had a soft, unprotected stomach. There were no scales there; I'd be able to get him!

I gripped my knife tighter, knuckles turning white. I dodged him, going behind the head hunter. He spun around, the large tail nearly knocking me out of the air. I looked at him carefully, waiting until the underbelly was exposed.

"Hello, nice to fight you today." I said with mock enthusiasm. Hey, it couldn't hurt to taunt him. "But honestly, did you just wake up? Because you're fighting horribly."

He sent a spray of flames at me, and I flew up, looking at the scaly head. I couldn't get him from here, I needed to go down. But I didn't want to take the risk of become bird-bq.

"Try and get some of your friends to distract him."

So I did. "Trinity!" I called down, hoping that she'd hear me "We've got the head hunter over here. He's a stinking dragon. Help!"

I looked out on the bloody battlefield, looking for Trinity. Was she dead? Because I wasn't seeing her.

A large, scaly tail sent me flying backwards. Then, yet another stream of flames. A growl of irritation rose up in my throat. I flew forward, looking at the head hunter. He wasn't giving me an opportunity to attack the underbelly.

"Hey Mr. Big, Fat and Ugly," I taunted, smiling when I saw his irritation. I don't care what anybody says about this being too dangerous; seeing my enemy's irritation is a beautiful thing.

He shot even more fire at me, and I flew up yet again. He flew up, meeting my gaze. "Hello, Madelyn Ruth. You know, you still have an opportunity to submit. Then, you can be spared."

I let out a small chuckle. Did they seriously think that I was going to join them?

"You've asked me before; I said no. So shut up."

He let out a ferocious sounding roar, rising up as he did so. I saw his underbelly. It was exposed! I flew forward, knife in hand. I swept it across, and blood came out. I was swatted with a large, scaly 'paw', sending me backwards. The head hunter was irritated.

It was at that moment that Trinity flew up beside me. She wasn't dead!

"What do you need me to do?" she asked, then looked at the head hunter. "Well that's... nice."

"Distract him," I began "He has a weak spot; his stomach. I already got one blow in; you need to distract him so I can do more."

Trinity nodded, then sent a spray of water at the dragon's wings. It sent him back a little, but the water seemed to slide right off the leathery looking wings. I moved to the side of the dragon, still holding my knife. I was swatted out of the way.

I looked out on the battlefield, seeing nothing but fighting and blood. The sight made me sick to my stomach. I looked back at the dragon, seeing blood drip out of the wound. I flew under him, swiping the knife again. Blood sprayed onto my hands, but I didn't care. I was going to help the shifters. I was going to futfil Caspian's dying wish.

I was swatted out again, massive claws striking my left leg. Large gashes were there, bleeding out.

"Heal yourself," said Ashlea "Trinity is distracting the head hunter; now is you chance."

I held my hand over the wound, wincing at the pain. The wound closed up after a minute long session of dizziness. I looked at the head hunter, and then at the underbelly. I gripped my knife until my knuckles turned white, aiming for the underbelly. I swiped it across multiple times, more blood coming out with each blow. The flaps of the head hunter's wings seemed to slow, and I moved out of the way as he began to fall. He moaned in pain.

"Heal me! Please! I beg of you!" the head hunter cried out.

"Don't do it, Madelyn."

"But he's weak. He's helpless and he's dying."

"But he isn't innocent. Phred was innocent, but the head hunter isn't. He's killed many shifters. If you heal him, he will only attack you again."

I looked as the head hunter's eyes dulled. He collapsed, breathing out. He was dead.

"You did the right thing. The shifters are safer now. You did the right thing. If Tyler were here, he'd tell you the same exact thing."

Tyler! I looked out at the battlefield, looking around frantically for him. I flew higher, looking at the battlefield. Where was he? Then, I saw Tyler, laying there bloody and dying.

A/N- One or two more chapters.

Please comment, vote, and I'll see you in the comments. Bye for now.

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