Chapter 51

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It would've been a good plan, except for the fact that my phone was entirely out of power, and Trinity's phone was almost out, if it wasn't already.

"What did you say?"

"The internet. News can spread like wildfire there. Except that my phone is out of power, and Trinity's is too."

I thought to my tablet. A pang of sadness stuck me. The tablet that I had spent months saving up for was probably broken, or burned. I looked up at Tyler.

"Oh," he began "So, we'll just need to ask someone to use their phone."

"Or computer." I added. At that moment, I heard the flapping of wings. It was Trinity. She must've seen my distressed expression.

"What's wrong, Madelyn?"

"I was thinking that we could use the internet to get help, but my phone is out of power, your phone is out of power, and my tablet is either burnt or broken. It was in my bag, which was at the old hunter town."

"Can't you go to the library?" she asked "You know, they have computers there. And they don't filter what you can go on."

I was about to respond with 'Great idea!' when a thought struck me. "But can't they monitor what you go on? They'd know that it's me. And besides, everyone knows what I look like. Does it look like I want to be captured?"

"No, but I think we'll have to take this risk. It's a great idea, and it's our only chance."

"So, are you saying that I disguise myself? With what?"

"Well, there might be some berries or something that you could use to add coloring to your hair. It's a lighter color, which might help."

I glanced at my hair, then decided. It was actually quite the easy decision.

"Alright, but what about my wings?"

Trinity sighed, a look of focus forming on her face. Then, she spoke. "We could just get a large coat and hope nobody notices the two large lumps." she suggested.

"What's the chance of that working?"

"It could work, if you don't draw too much attention to yourself."

"Well, maybe it'd work. Maybe the librarian will be reading, and won't see me come in. I mean, when I'm reading, I don't give a crap about what's going on around me."

After a long session in which I used old clothes and attempted to sew them together and make a really large coat, and an even longer session which involved cutting and dying my hair, we went to the library.

Just as I suspected, the librarian was reading. I glanced at the cover, seeing one of John Green's novels.

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