Chapter 29

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A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.


I yawned, stretching as I opened my eyes groggily.

"It's morning," I heard a voice say. It was dad. I still jumped a little when I heard it, as I had grown accustomed to hearing his voice when he was against me. It was waning away, the startled reaction that my father's voice gave me, but that was kind of expected.

"Hi dad." I said, getting to my feet.

"Good morning Madelyn," I heard him reply.

"Depends on what your definition of good is. We're going to the hunter's area today, remember? And we'll need your knowledge of the area to help us rescue Trinity."

"And we're going stealth, correct? Because we don't have enough people to storm in there."

"Yes, we're going stealth," I heard Tyler confirm.

I was a little nervous, but I knew I had to do it. For Trinity, and all the other shifters trapped. The town of shifters needed me, and I needed to help them. After all, it was my fault that they got stuck there. A horrible, sickening, guilty feeling entered my stomach.

"Calm down, Madelyn. I have confidence that you'll rescue everyone. You've just got to believe in yourself."

"But what if we fail?"

"Don't start to doubt yourself. Go in there with confidence, alright?"

"But what if I-"

"You won't."

"Oh, and how do you know this?"

"I don't. But go in there with confidence, and you'll have the inner strength to keep on fighting."

I was engrossed in my conversation with Ashlea, and I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Then, I sighed in relief. It was just dad.

"Hey Madelyn, we're going."

"Try and stay somewhat hidden; Tyler and I will be flying. Remember the plan?"

Both my dad and Tyler nodded. I pushed off the ground, becoming airborne. The wind blew my hair back, probably getting it incredibly tangled, but I didn't care. I was going to enjoy the few minutes I had before having to go down to the unpleasant - and that's putting it nicely - place of the hunters.

I glanced to my right and saw Tyler. I saw a small smile tug at the corners of his lips. I felt a slight heat move to my cheeks, and I looked down. My dad was no longer in a human state. Underneath me, my dad was running with the speed of a wolf. He had shifted.

"Well, that's not suspicious." I shouted, doubting he could hear me from down there.

The hunter's buildings and fields came into view, and a feeling of dread filled me. Oh, how badly I wanted to turn around, to go and return to the forest. However, I couldn't. I needed to rescue Trinity and all of the other shifters. I had let them down, and I wasn't going to do that again.

"You'll be alright, Madelyn. Just try and be as quick as you can. Get in, get everyone free, get out. Alright?"

"Alright," I replied, though I wasn't entirely sure of my safety. And Mr. Mind-Reader had to get into my mind.

Over the wind, I heard Tyler call out something.


"Don't be afraid."

I wanted to explain to him that it wasn't that easy, but I stayed silent. I didn't want my throat to ache from yelling over the wind.

I recalled the plan. We were to hijack a car - Illegal, I know, but what choice did we have? - have dad drive it - we couldn't have Tyler driving again; that was dangerous - and go through the force-field. Seemed simple enough.

In the distance, I could see a white car, with the hunter emblem on it.

"Dad!" I shouted "Incoming car. Get ready to gain control of it."

He looked up, most likely in acknowledgement. He dashed forward, now closer to the street. I watched as the car drew nearer.

I rushed downwards, watching as my father sped toward the car. It shook a little - not from the weight of my father, but most likely from trembling. I could only imagine how we had startled him. I heard a crash, and saw that my father had broken the car window. Shards were embedded in his fur, and blood seeped through, probably from wounds underneath the fur. I'd have to heal him. But the hole was too small for me to fit through in my current state.

I shifted into a canary, flying through the car window and sitting beside my father before shifting back. Dad had shifted back into himself, and the glass shards had mostly fallen off, except for a few ones on his arms. Already the wounds had started to form scabs, probably due to the enhanced healing rate.

I looked behind me and saw Tyler. Good; everyone was here.

We were inside of the hunters' and scientists' institute. As my dad drew the car to a stop, I trembled, fear permeating every bone in my body. Dad must've seen my nervousness.

"We'll be in and out," I heard his say "Don't worry."

Alright. Because it's super easy to not worry when you're going into a place full of people who want to kill you. I didn't reply, but simply nodded, stepping out of the car.

It was even more terrible than I remembered. Weights were attached to the ankles of the working shifters, reminding me of the cliche prison scenes in movies.

I took to the air, looking all around. I stayed semi-low, not wanting to encounter the force-field. The first place I went were the horse stables, the same place I had been forced to stay for those horrid few days.

As I looked around frantically, I was unable to see Trinity. It soon became clear to me that she wasn't in here. So I flew out, looking at the fields where many shifters worked.

Then, I looked at my father and Tyler. They were backing away, and my dad had shifted.

I soon knew why.

A group of hunters were approaching.




Thank you so much!

Anyway, if there are any little words in parentheses that say (Ashlea), that's because I've been using written kitten as I write. (If you wanna check it out it's It gives you a cute kitten picture every 100 words.

So dang cute and fluffy!

Please vote, share, comment, and I'll see you all in the comments! Bye for now!

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