Chapter 48

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We entered. The house looked surprisingly large, yet it had a cozy feel to it. I looked around. A large dog - a boxer, to be exact - sniffed the shifters and I curiously. He then sat down, giving a playful 'woof'. I smiled, then looked at Jeff. He noticed.

"So, let's get started." he said, walking down the foyer. We followed, and I could hear the soft pitter-patter of the dog's paws.

"So, is he your dog?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Yes. Butch has been with me for a long time. If I had a dollar for every time he's saved me, I'd be rich."

So Butch was the dog's name. I patted his head. "Hi Butch." I cooed. He gave me a doggy smile.

We reached a room. Many people were there, and I could faintly recognize some of them. I sat down, my tail feathers making my sitting position feel off. I looked out. Tyler was on my left, and Trinity was on my right. I smiled at them, then looked back. At that moment, Jeff began to speak.

"We have some special guests today," began Jeff "I appreciate them being able to come today and help us make plans."

Applause filled the room, which faded after a few seconds.

"The leader of the shifters, Madelyn, wants to make peace between the shifters and the hunters, as many of you may know. So, we're all gathered here today to make plans to create peace."

I looked around, wishing I had brought gum or something to calm my anxiousness. After all, this was a big decision. So, I resorted to the alternative; biting my nails.

Jeff began to speak again. "So, Madelyn, do you have any ideas?"

I pulled my hand away from my mouth, wiping away the blood. "I was thinking along the lines of a peace treaty."

"Don't forget taking the hunter's resources." reminded Ashlea.


"And, we could take their resources and weapons when they attack us. Sure, they have lots of money, but it'll run out eventually. Or, they might just surrender. Who knows?"

"Great ideas, Madelyn." he looked at everyone, the protesters and us shifters. "Does anyone have any more suggestions?"

I glanced over at my dad. He glanced over at dad. After a second or two, he looked over at me. 'What is it?' he mouthed.

"He's your friend, isn't he?"

He nodded, then looked at Jeff, beginning to speak. "Hi, Jeff."

I glanced at Jeff. "Is that you?"

"It is, Jeff. I should've left with you. Instead, I stayed. And then, when I decided to leave, I was injected and made into a shifter. Not that I mind."

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