Chapter 56

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I gasped, flying down to Tyler. I looked at Trinity.

"Keep the hunters away," I commanded "I'm gonna heal Tyler."

"No, Madelyn," I heard Tyler say in a weak tone of voice, "You'll die."

Caspian had told me the same thing. I had lost Caspian; I wasn't gonna lose Tyler too!

"I'm gonna save you. I'm not gonna let you die!"

Tyler shoved my hand away. "I can't let you."

"But I want to, Tyler." I said, trying to heal me. Tyler pushed my hand away.

"I can't have you dying, Madelyn."

"And neither can I. I'm going to heal you, even if it kills me."

"It will, Madelyn."

"Listen to Tyler, Madelyn."

"But I'm not going to let him die! Caspian died because he wouldn't let me heal him. Caspian's death could've been prevented. Now I'm going to make sure that I heal Tyler."

"I will take control of you," threatened Ashlea.

"You wouldn't."

I tried to heal Tyler, only to get my hands shoved away. "Madelyn, my wounds are fatal. If you heal me, you'll die!"

I fought back tears. "But what is life without... without you?"

"One of us is going to make it out of here alive. And that's going to be you. I will NOT let you sacrifice yourself for me."

"But I'm going to. I don't give a flying flip if it kills me!"

Tyler held my hand. "Madelyn, I can't let you die for me. I love you, Madelyn, and to be without you would be torture!"

I was past the point of listening to Tyler. I was going to heal him. I placed my hand over a wound, but it was only pushed away.

"No, Madelyn."

"I am going to heal you!" I shouted "Even if it kills me!"

"It will! And then, I'll be left behind, feeling as sad and hopeless as I did when my parents were killed. Is that what you want, Madelyn?"

"I want you to live, Tyler! I'd gladly sacrifice myself if it meant you'd live! Let me heal you!"

"No! I don't want you dying, Madelyn." he said, his voice growing weaker. It was killing me to see him in all that pain. But determination still burned bright in his eyes.

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