Chapter 50

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Morning came all too quickly, the sun shining through tiny holes. I stretched, letting out a yawn as I stepped out. Tyler was in a tree, smiling down at me.

"We're going to Jeff's house." reminded Tyler.

"I just don't that Phred doesn't make an appearance. Yesterday was plain horrible."

Tyler flew down. "It'll be fine, Madelyn."

"I hope so."

Soon, everyone had woken, and we started off towards Jeff's house. I was relieved when it came into view. As I landed, I allowed my mind to wander. It stumbled upon a certain question, and a memory.



"Remember when Tyler read that squirrel shifter's mind, and he had said that I had been altered, and made some sort of super-weapon?"

"Of course I remember."

"Do you happen to know what they did to me?"

"No. You could go into the hunter's database, or into their main building, and find that information, but it'd be incredibly risky."

It may have been dangerous, but I had been doing dangerous things for months now. "How far away is the main building?"

"Somewhere in Mexico." replied Ashlea.


"The hunters in this area are just a mere portion of all the hunters across the world. Their main base is where they meet to discuss important plans, and related things. It's heavily guarded; I know this from experience."

Even if it wasn't dangerous, there was no way I was going to Mexico. How long would that even take?

Tyler tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. In front of me was Jeff.

"Come in," he began "I assure you, that Phred guy is back with the hunters."

"Why couldn't you take him to the police?"

"From what I know, the police have been tricked into joining the hunters."

That was great. Note my heavy sarcasm. I stepped in, sitting down at the table. We got started quickly, discussing how things would work and what would happen if there were conflicts. It was complex, discussing all the different ways things could go. How people had managed this before baffled me. But, we kept at it. It was for Caspian.

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