Chapter 16

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I stayed behind, still in the air. They were moving him into a building. And that building just so happened to be WellBorne Science Institute. I couldn't believe my luck! Well, not his luck, but it would be. I would set everyone free. It would make up for them being captured. And plus, I couldn't let them go through all that pain. In most books with this sort of stuff, the experiments were painful. I didn't know if it was real or not, but I couldn't take that chance.

I chuckled, remembering the Max Ride books. Dang, how unrealistic those books were. How the heck did they hide fourteen-foot wings under their clothes? And didn't they need to stretch their wings every so often?

I focused my attention back on the building. They had stopped at the building, and one of the men was holding a key. Why does he need a key if there's no door? I watched as he (stupidly) poked at the wall. Well, it seemed stupid at the time. Moments later, it didn't seem so stupid. A door revealed itself, and they walked in. I (stupidly) followed. Trinity was behind me, but the door closed before Stella could get in. At least Trinity was with me. Screams and squeals echoed through the dark hallway. I glanced at one of the cages and shuddered in horror.

A creature with the body of a wolf and the head of a person growled at me, and I flew as high up as the ceiling allowed. Many creatures were in cages. I saw an anthropomorphic turtle, a person with the lower body of a snake... and those weren't even the frightening ones! What day was it? Scare the crap out of a bird shifter day? It seemed that way.

A cold breeze ran through the hall, and I shuddered. Not just from the cold, but from the fear. I trailed behind them, trying to match the pace of my flaps with their footsteps. Soon, we reached a more illuminated room, and it was full of the shifters. A black panther was laying down, and I recognized him immediately. It was Caspian. But I would have to wait for the people to leave before I could free them. I glanced at all of the shifters, their focus was on me. I couldn't reassure them that everything was going to be alright. Partially because the people would hear. And partially because I wasn't that confident that everything was going to be alright.

The sheet covering the cage was removed, and I saw the bird shifter. He had the wings of some sort of songbird. They were brown and white, and so were his tail feathers. He glanced at me with black eyes; the eyes of a bird.

All of a sudden, the men stopped, but I was still flapping. They heard me. They spun around, and I flew off. But I thought that being able to fly away would save me from being captured. But, it didn't. A net was thrown over me, and as I glanced to my right, I saw that Trinity had met the same fate.

"Little winged girls came to save their little friends, eh? Well, it's not happening. And Phred will be pleased to know that we captured you. He's had people searching for days. And to think, you were this close all along!" He chuckled in a way that made me feel sick.

I tried to get out of the netting but only succeeded in tangling myself even more. And the holes in the netting were far too miniscule for a canary to slip through.

"You're trapped."

"Yeah. In other obvious news, the sun rose this morning."

"Ha ha, very funny. But this could be used as an advantage. Gain allies and regain the trust of the town, then make a big escape."

"But when the fighting happened, all of the shifters couldn't beat those scientists."

"But they've captured many more shifters than the ones at the shifter town. Didn't you notice? There were maybe forty at the shifter town. Here, there's well over a hundred shifters!"

I sighed, then replied with "Alright."

At that moment, a brown haired man strolled in, his face in an evil sneer.

"Well well," he began "What do we have here? The two winged girls? Oh yes, we do. You two little mutants have been hard to catch. We had thought you were deep in the woods. And to think that one of my men was able to bring you down just like that. He'll be getting a raise, no doubt about that. But what, oh what are we going to do with you?"

"Let us all free?" I replied, knowing what the answer would be. Still, a bird-shifter can hope.

"And why would I do such a thing to the interesting specimen that I've captured?" he turned to the man who had captured me. "Take her to section 40-B."

The man nodded, then took the netting off. He was holding a dog cage. Oh no he wasn't. I tried to fly away, but he had me pinned down with surprisingly strong arms. I was shoved into the crate, and I screamed, demanding that I be let go. He didn't, but it made me feel a little better knowing that I was irritating them. It's those small things in life.

My cage was set on top of two other cages, and that boy's cage was on my left. Looking to my right, I saw Trinity.

"I'm sorry Trinity. We should've been more careful."

"It's alright." she replied, then said the next part in a whisper "And Stella is still outside. Maybe she'll get some backup."

I sighed, looking at the white room full of cages. They were full of people who had animal features while human.

"So there's a special room for everyone with the extra features. How heavily guarded do you think it is?"

"From what I've seen, it's very well guarded." said a voice. I looked to my left and saw the boy.

"I didn't say that aloud, did I?" I asked.

"No. And sorry if I startled you. I can read minds, that's the gift I was given. I'm Tyler."

A/N- We've got a name for the lov- nope, not gonna say it. Anyone gonna come up with a ship name? :3

Anyway, the contest is still going on, so pm me proof of advertising it. I'd be overjoyed if I won the wattys.

Please comment, vote, share it with your friends, and I'll see you in the comments! Bye for now!

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