Chapter 36

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I jumped in surprise, nearly hitting my head on the low ceiling.

"Don't play dumb with me, Madelyn Ruth. I know that you're there. Why don't you just surrender, and I will allow you to live. The squirrel spy has told me that you know of my plan, and what my team has done to you. So why don't you just submit?"

Why would I ever submit? I mean, that'd be giving up! And why would I give up?

"Never!" I fired back, hands clenching into fists. "Why would I ever give in to someone as low and evil as you?! I'm with the other shifters! And I will not let you hurt any of them!"

A low chuckle echoed through the room. "Madelyn, you could have all the power you wanted. You could make the ones who have hurt you pay. Wouldn't it be so much better to just submit?"

He was talking in an awfully silky tone. From my previous - I guess you could say obsession - with hypnosis back in grade six, I knew that he was trying to insert some of that into the conversation.

I saw the faint outline of him in the darkness, and I sent him a glare. "Mr. Jones, I know what you're trying to do. And if you think I'm going to fall for it, think again!"

"You're a clever girl, Madelyn. Should have known you wouldn't have been tricked by that, should have known."

"I'm going to give you one chance to tell me how to get this dang tracker out of my leg. And if not, Tyler and I are going to take the squirrel shifter and go." My voice trembled as I spoke, and it was difficult to steady my voice.

Another chuckle ran through the room. "Like you know what I was doing, I know what you're trying to do. You're scared and afraid. Wouldn't it be better if you could just join us? I'm offering you this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you choose this option, all of your pain will just disappear; forever. You can join us; Madelyn. Join us."

"Never! I am loyal to the shifters; not someone as heartless and sickening as you!" I crept forward, the outline of Mr. Jones growing nearer.

All of a sudden, he lunged forward, grabbing my wrist. I tried to kick him, but he stopped the blow with his other hand.

"Shocked at my sudden strength increase, aren't you? Well, I have my ways."

I knew them, and now I just had dirt on that sickening excuse for a person. I tried to pull away, but he stopped it.

"Won't it just be so relaxing, calming, and relieving to just submit to the hunters?" he asked in a silky tone. I felt a low growl of irritation rising up in my throat, and I sent him yet another glare.

"I am not some stupid puppet that you can manipulate!" I shouted, trying to pull away. I sent a punch flying at him, and he stumbled backwards. I grinned.

Many - and when I say that, I mean all of them - swear words poured from his mouth. His face was twisted into an angered grimace. I was now free from his grasp, and I looked around, looking for the squirrel shifter. It seemed that this place was filled with shifters.

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