Chapter 12

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What was I going to do? They were looking for us! The safety of the entire community was at stake! I stuffed my phone in my pocket, trying to get my focus off of the information.

But, I could not.

"Calm down, Madelyn."

"How am I supposed to be calm?"

"Just take breaths and go tell Caspian."

"Why would I tell Caspian? Do you know how much trouble I'd get in? Plus, he's most likely already expecting it. It's fine."

At that moment, Trinity walked in.

"Hi, Trinity." I greeted, sighing afterwards.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing." I lied, feeling guilty. But, it was my problem. I had gotten myself into this mess, and I didn't want Trinity getting worried.

"You sure?" she questioned "I'm your friend; you can talk to me if you need to."

"I'm gonna go fly, and then I'll tell you," I replied. Walking out of the cabin, I flew up. The sun was setting; a beautiful sight. Streaks of orange and yellow painted the sky, and I flew up more, watching the shifter city seem to shrink beneath me. I didn't know how I had stood it, being stuck on the ground all the time. Sure, I had only been a shifter for a few days, but flying; it's the best thing ever.

I flapped my wings, propelling myself trough the air. I wanted to stay here forever; escape harsh reality. Never have to see the people pursuing me, or my parents. My parents especially. They had kept so, so much from me. And then, I found out. They had attacked me. I continued flying, and I didn't know how long I had been flying. I wanted to escape the bad things that had happened so quickly.

So many things, both good and bad, had happened. Why had it happened to me? I kept on flying; not knowing where I was going. Eventually, I tired and landed on a branch, resting. It had become night, and it was hard to see in the darkness. But, I took comfort in the breezes and the thrill of being beneath the stars. I closed my eyes, trying to relax. A voice snapped me out of my relaxed state.

"Hey, winged-girl!"

I looked down, alarmed. There was a boy, around the age of eleven, staring up at me. I flapped my wings, flying away. He had seen me! What if he relayed that information to those groups in pursuit of me?

I pulled out my phone, silently praying that I still had service. Nope. Then, a slight bit. Quickly, I typed a message to Trinity.

'Meet me above the camp'

I sent the message and quickly flew to camp. I was exhausted, and I wanted nothing more than to rest. But I couldn't. Trinity; she was my best friend. She needed to know. Plus, she wouldn't punish me. Caspian might. Which is why I wasn't going to tell him, or anyone else, for that matter.

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