CHAPTER 65: I Am Found

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Chapter 65: I Am Found

-VERTEX ONE: 15.556984-

Pizza Strada

Azabu-Juuban, Minato Ward, Tokyo

"Look at this crowd," muttered the waiter to the register clerk. "What's going to happen to our reputation if word gets around that we let these people in?"

The crowd in question was indeed as eclectic as they came. Everyone in Azabu-Juuban knew about the Sailor Senshi, of course, but some of the women in the party of thirty-plus people were like no Senshi the waiter had ever seen. One of them was so huge that there wouldn't be room for her inside the average Tokyo apartment, for God's sake. Then there was the tall, thin, silent one with all the tattoos, who wore a bird-like mask and gave him the creeps. He was dead certain he saw pointy definitely-not-human ears on another one. And they brought children and animals and heaven knew who and what else with them...

"You heard the new owners," said the clerk. "They specifically said to not ask questions and treat them like we'd treat any other valued customers. Is it worth your job to argue?"

"That's the other thing," the waiter grumbled. "The new owners? I was there three weeks ago when they became the new owners, I saw it all. There were no calls beforehand, not even a hint of interest. Those two just showed up out of nowhere on our doorstep and bought the restaurant from Taniguchi-tenchou in the space of an hour. No factfinding, no negotiations, no nothing. That's not how things are done in this country."

The clerk rolled her eyes. "They retained the entire staff, they doubled our wages, and they sent off Taniguchi-tenchou with more than enough money for an early retirement... and you're complaining. It's because they're foreigners, isn't it."

"Them being foreigners doesn't have anything to do with it, they're weird! Even if they are twins, a brother and sister shouldn't be that familiar with each other in public! Or anywhere else! And have you noticed the way they talk?! All that back-and-forth and finishing each other's sentences, it's like they're one mind in two bodies. I don't like it, it's murder on my nerves. And look," he said, gesturing to the block in general. "It's been less than a day since the invaders were driven out, and less than an hour since the typhoon. Yet they still called us in to work! Okay, so they're paying triple overtime, but!" He stopped to check his watch. "We shouldn't even be open at this hour, it's the middle of the night!"

The clerk, having evidently had enough, shoved a tray into his hands. "Table Four needs more drinks. Are you going to do your job, or stand there whining until you get fired?"

The waiter slumped his shoulders in defeat. "I'll do my job."


The way that Minako Aino squirmed as she attempted to hold a seiza position before a girl five years her junior might have prompted a few laughs out of context... but no one around them found it funny. The circle of nearly three dozen people around them watched in quiet anticipation.

Sakura Kinomoto stood before her. One bandaged hand clutched the Star Rod, in the other was the VOICE Card. She needed Tomoyo Daidouji's assistance to hold the former, her brother Toya's for the latter, and Yukito Tsukishiro's from behind to remain standing. All three and Minako begged her to at least sit down, or wait until she recovered more of her energy, but she refused point blank. To make Minako wait even longer, she said, would be unthinkable.

Sakura's features tensed with effort. "Please," she recited. Her magic circle bloomed beneath them, painting the darkened street with swiling golden color. "Return what was stolen from Minako-san! VOICE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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