CHAPTER 45: Little People

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Chapter 45: Little People

-VERTEX FOUR: 8.36679-

Uminari City

Aoizumi Forest

Plans. Tactics. Strategies. With her wounded body still incapable of harnessing most of her former power, everything counted on Nanoha Takamachi putting her mind to use. Okay, she thought, trying to remain calm and slip into "warrior Nanoha" mode, as she had in the past. Okay, she thought again, scanning the battlefield. They were on level terrain, a blasted stretch of the park burnt to the ground by the tank's fire. No viable cover within a square kilometer save for the wreckage of the tank, and no weather conditions to take advantage of, either; the night was clear and bright, without a single cloud.

The enemy, Hadenya, was guarding a prisoner inside a Merry-Go-Round pod, whose identity and status were uncertain. Hadenya was from Vertex Three, and used to fighting Precure, which meant she must be an experienced hand-to-hand combatant. Her being an Infantry Commander supported that hypothesis... she was someone trained to be sent right to the front lines on foot. Hadenya was confident enough to take on the five of them at once, and strong enough to not only survive Blossom and Mami's destruction of the tank, but to tear her way out of it with her bare hands. Tremendous physical power and endurance, that much was certain. As for what other abilities she might have...

Blossom, Nanoha thought, opening a telepathic channel to the group.

Tsubomi Hanasaki, Cure Blossom, let out an "Eep!" of surprise and inched backward, keeping her eyes locked on Hadenya should she try to take advantage. Y-yes, Ma'am? came the reply, tinged with more than a little nervousness.

You recognize her, right? If you can tell us anything about how to fight her...

Blossom swallowed and tightened her grip on her Tact. I didn't really fight her, I just saw her going up against Precure 5 before Marine and I had to run. She took on Milky Rose single-handed...

And how strong is Milky Rose?

Really strong.

Not promising. Nanoha knit her brows together and spoke to the group. All right ABCs, pay attention, please. Blossom, you have the most physical strength and the most familiarity with her, so I'll need you to be our primary engagement.

Er... roger, I'll try my best.

Mami-san, Kyoko-san, stay on Blossom and back her up. Try to target the enemy's knees and calves. A body that big and heavy should need a lot of leg support.

Mami Tomoe and Kyoko Sakura nodded at each other.

What are my orders, boss? thought Minako Aino, Sailor Venus.

You fall back with me, and prep for long-range fire. We're going to hit her with a barrage, but we'll need time to charge it. You're my shield in case all else fails.

Roger that. Venus smiled grimly and brandished her chain. Don't worry, I'm an old pro at bodyguarding.

Everyone, coordinate your strongest attacks with the group if you can, but if you have a clear shot and an opportunity to take her down, don't hesitate, thought Nanoha to them all. And don't worry about the pod or other collateral damage, I'm casting a WAFF to shunt us to a safe dimension. Stand by, be ready to execute the plan on my signal!

Ahead of them, Hadenya's painted lips curled into a sneer. She moved to cover the organic pod holding their comrade, raising her fists in an upright boxing stance. "Well, ladies? Why so quiet all of a sudden? Surely you're not thinking of trying to escape?"

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