CHAPTER 5: Burst

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CHAPTER 5: Burst

-VERTEX FOUR: 8.36679-

Interdimensional Space

TSAB L-Class Inspection Cruiser Arthra

Outside, the multicolored fractals of the interdimensional void churned endlessly. A normal human watching space and time twist and flow into each other would either be driven to violent illness or experience a complete sensory overload, if they didn't simply go mad from trying to comprehend it. Despite the presence of magic and technology far in advance of most variants of Earth, and knowledge of things that Terran scientists could only dream of, there was still no way a human could navigate the gaps between the worlds unassisted, or even survive out there for more than a scant few milliseconds without a barrier. The Time-Space Administration Bureau cruiser Arthra was a metal island amid a raging stream, navigating the space-time waters and keeping those inside her safe from their ravages. She was more than the crew's assigned vessel, she was their protector, their friend, their home.

In a small quarters nestled somewhere within the hundreds of meters of Arthra's alloyed bulkheads, a piercing, strident alarm sounded. It was immediately followed by an almost inaudible groan from the small figure huddled within the sheets of a bed across the room. Hands emerged from the tangle of fabric, felt for a pillow, and pulled it over the figure's head to muffle the noise. It was no use; the alarm continued unabated. In fact, it only grew louder the longer the sleeper ignored it.

Strangely, the alarm came not from a clock or a computer, but from a thick leather-bound book with golden designs embossed on its cover. After thirty seconds of no response from the sleeper, it floated off the desk where it normally sat and hovered over the bed and the miserable figure ensconced in the blankets. The book opened itself, rifled through its pages, and shone the current time in glowing Belkan script that hovered a few inches off the page, pulsing with red light. The alarm's volume scaled up accordingly.

"Nnnngh..." groaned a voice from the blankets. "Go 'way..."

Refusing to be deterred, the Tome of the Night Sky chimed and spoke in a pleasant female voice. "[Es ist Zeit, aufzuwachen, mein Herrin.]"

"I know, I know it's time to get up," mumbled the blankets. "Just gimme a couple more minutes..."

"[Wenn ich tun, werden Sie wieder einschlafen,]" the book replied patiently. It flashed its glowing script with greater intensity for emphasis.

"Slave-driver. All right, all right, I'm awake." Hayate Yagami yawned, sat up, and rubbed sleep from her eyes. "I bet nobody else is up at this hour. Nanoha-chan and Fate-chan are still asleep, right?"


"You're kiddin'. They're already at the trainin' site?"


"Rats," said Hayate. "Figures those two would be all responsible and stuff..."

"[Ich nehme an jemand muss,]" said the book, with just a hint of smugness.

Hayate stuck out her tongue at it. "Ha ha. Remind me to disable your sarcasm subroutine later. I dunno what I was thinkin' when I installed that..."

"[Jawohl, mein Herrin.]"

Hayate yawned and stretched. "Anyway. If Rein and the Knights are awake, tell them to meet me and the others planetside after breakfast. Make sure that-"


It was as if part of the time-space maelstrom outside had suddenly found itself inside Hayate's skull. Iridescent spots blotted out her vision, a high-pitched, oddly musical whine deafened her, and her quarters whirled around her in maddening circles. "Nnnngh...!" Overwhelmed by pain, she slumped back to the bed, desperately trying not to be sick. No, she thought through the haze, struggling to surface again, this isn't possible! I haven't had an attack in years, not since-

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