CHAPTER 47: Inter-Mission I

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Chapter 47: Inter-Mission I

[Author's Note 1: Hello again, I'm back. What you're reading here is the first work I've done in almost six months. During that time, I've been unable to write due to my struggle with clinical depression... mid-October through February were a particularly bad period. I say this not to sound like I'm making an excuse, but to keep you readers informed of what's happening and why it's been so long. I want to let you know that I never intended to quit writing this story, and that thanks to the tireless efforts of my doctor, my therapist, my friends, and my loved ones, I've finally turned a corner. For the first time in a long time, I feel better. It may take a while longer to get back to a regular update schedule, but the important thing is that I'm officially back. Thanks for making it worthwhile. - BHS]

The Lighthouse, Vertex Point One

Rei Hino's Room

Out of the depths it emerged: a sound, a movement, a gleam where there was only silence and stillness and darkness for so long. Just a tiny thing, barely more than a flicker in the dark... but it was there, it was real, and it was more than there had been for what felt like ages.

Rei Hino sat before the flames roaring in the hearth of her Immaterial recreation of the Hikawa Shrine's fire room. Her eyes were closed as her lips moved over the syllables of her mantra: "Rin. Pyo. To. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." The kuji-in was a call to all forces in the universe to reaffirm that they stood united against evil, a sacred rite to purify the mind, body, and soul. It had been a source of calm and comfort for her for so many years, so it was only appropriate that she pass it on to someone who sorely needed those things.

"Rin. Pyo. To. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen. Rin. To. Pyo..." Towa Akagi sat in the seiza position at Rei's side, dressed in simple, loose-fitting white robes. Firelight set the silver streaks painting her apricot hair aglow. It was Rei's idea to teach Towa to meditate; she broached the subject when she realized that they had more in common than just their signature elements. Both the shrine maiden and the elfin princess were fighting for control, both altered in some way by the evils of Dead End and the chaos they wrought. If ritual meditation could help Rei to maintain the fragile balance of the dual aspects of herself, she reasoned it could also help Towa to keep the essence of Twilight at bay.

It was during one such session that Rei saw and heard that small thing in the dark. First she felt the shiver of a premonition, faint and ghostly but unmistakable. In her mind's eye, she saw the vaguest of outlines, something so unformed that it was as if it hadn't decided what shape to be, if any. It sparkled with a feeble but warm light, and Rei heard it whisper her name: "... Rei... Rei..." That was all it said before it faded.

Towa sensed the change in the pressure and tension of the room and interrupted her mantra. "Rei-san? Are you unwell?"

Rei opened her eyes. "No, I'm fine. I had a new vision."

"Another ill omen?" Lines of worry etched into Towa's face.

She had to think about that. "No," Rei said after a long pause. She had barely more than a gut feeling to go on, but... "Not this time. I don't know why, but I feel like this one was different. It's like someone, somewhere is trying to tell me something... Something good." For reasons she could not explain, Rei smiled. How strange, to actually feel happy about a premonition for once.




The five of them sat around a great ring-shaped crystal table, which was now the only permanent feature of the Crossroads other than the doors to the Vertices. This was the first time that all of the "Big Five" had gathered together since the modest little party they held to celebrate their victory in Uminari... though "modest" was not for lack of trying by one Minako Aino, who had to be talked down from the wild blowout she initially envisioned. Nevertheless, there had been large amounts of cake, punch for the kids and wine for the adults, and a good time was had by all.

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