CHAPTER 36: But The War Goes On

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Chapter 36: But the War Goes On

La Fin de Toute

(formerly Galactica Palace)

Communications Hub

Minutes before the Time Crash

"Master Joker? You wanted to see me?" Sayaka Miki gave a curt bow as she stepped through the sliding doors. She was preceded by a small white creature, something like a cat and something like a rabbit, with round, unblinking red eyes. Sayaka was familiar with these things; they used to be called Incubators. After what Joker did to them, it probably wasn't appropriate to call them that anymore. Its task complete, it sat on its haunches at Joker's feet and beamed proudly at her... not the usual eerie, frozen cat-smile, but an open leer with a mouthful of teeth, which was even worse. Sayaka tried her best to ignore it.

"Ah yes, Miki. Come in." The harlequin stood before the chaotic mishmash of technology and magic that was his way of communicating with the forces of Dead End across the multiverse. Usually all the screens, holograms, mirrors, portals, and scrying pools were active at once, blaring a constant, discordant wall of noises and images that only Joker, Eas, and the late Viluy could make sense off. Now, however, all stood quiet. The only source of light in the hub came from the artifact floating before him, its crystalline tongues always roiling like as it pulsed with its eerie vermillion glow that Sayaka could feel on her bare skin,.

For a few heart-stopping seconds after Joker's prisoners disappeared, many of Dead End's assembled armies thought that he would simply kill all of them in his fury, either by siccing the Time Reaper on them or tearing them all apart with his bare hands. Sayaka didn't need to ask anyone whether or not they thought that would really happen... it was written on all of their faces.

He didn't. Joker had torn at his hair, poised to let out a primal howl of frustration, of victory unjustly snatched from under his nose... but instead, he went quiet. While the forces of Dead End trembled in fear for their very souls, he said not a word, his lips pressed together so thin and hard that his grimace looked like the slash of a knife left across his face. He then turned on his heel, causing a collective shudder among the ranks... and he beckoned to his Bad End Precure, just once, with a crook of his finger. The six of them vanished in streaks of black light.

It was minutes later when the screaming began. Joker had it piped through every room, every corridor, every corner of the palace. For the first time, the residents of La Fin de Toute heard what went on whenever Joker and his favorite pet Cures disappeared into his private room... they heard it, but did not see it. The message was clear.

Now it was quiet. Half an hour ago, Joker emerged from his room sans the Bad Ends, as usual, and gave a simple command. Now he was here.

He called for Sayaka via one of the former Incubators. It materialized on her bed in her quarters, grinned at her, and told her she was needed in the comms hub. And, it added in a cheerful tone, it would escort her there personally.

Sayaka wasn't afraid. She had done everything Joker asked of her to the best of her abilities. If he wanted to kill her for that, so be it. There were worse things, she knew.

"Status report, Miki," said Joker without turning around.

Sayaka nodded. "Daimon Squad 186 finally dug out Lady Viluy's last body from what's left of her lab. Commander Eas confirmed that she died about two hours ago... the wolf girl ripped out her throat."


"Her body's in cold storage until—"

"Storage?" Joker paused. "Whatever for?"

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