CHAPTER 19: ... In a Handbasket

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CHAPTER 19: ... In a Handbasket

-VERTEX FIVE: 10.194412-


Miki Residence

Was this really happening? Was Sayaka really talking to a gaudy, French-speaking clown in her bedroom at midnight? By any measure, it was an absurd situation, completely insane.

What was more insane, though? That this was apparently real, or that much of what the clown was saying made a horrifying sort of sense?

"... so you see, Mademoiselle Miki," said Joker, "All of this, the world all around you... it's little more than a cage, designed to keep you trapped in it for eternity. And because your memories were taken... you don't even know you're imprisoned."

"Now hold on," said Sayaka. She pinched herself. It hurt; this was no dream, whatever it was. "Even if what you're saying is true, why would somebody do something like that?"

The clown - harlequin, she reminded herself, he insisted on that - tapped his chin with one long, clawed finger. "I thought you might ask that. Alas, but that question is beyond my ability to answer. You really must find that one out for yourself."

Sayaka blinked and clutched at her blankets. "How?"

"Un moment, s'il vous plait." Joker turned from her, cast his thoughts across the worlds back to the palace at Sagittarius A*, and searched for one particular Dead End soldier with his mind... there she was. A small, quiet, timid presence. Rather useless for fighting, but her other talents made it well worth the considerable effort it took to track her down. We're ready for you now, cherie.

The mental voice that answered trembled. He could almost feel her cringing. Delightful. No, she said. I can't do it, it's too cruel! Don't make me-

The corner of Joker's lip twitched. Need I remind you, cherie, of our little arrangement? That sister of yours-

A terrified mental sob. Please, no. Please.

Please what, cherie? I think you're forgetting something...

Please... A lengthy pause, during which disgust built up in her, tasting like bile. Master. Don't hurt her. I'm coming.


Sayaka goggled as the young woman stepped from a dark portal a moment later. There were worlds of difference between her and the harlequin... while Joker was proud and confident, this one shook like a leaf; a stiff breeze could knock her over. She wore a simple rosey one piece dress with a short pleated skirt over her thin frame, a dress that matched her long, thin, curled twintails and her wide, sorrowful eyes on the brink of tears. There was a neckpiece rather like the collar of a sailor uniform covering her shoulders, but it was almost smothered by a heavy metal collar clamped around her neck and inscribed with glowing, angry red lines. From both earlobes dangled odd earrings, thin jet-black crystal spires in a gold setting. When she spoke, her voice was so soft that Sayaka had to strain to hear her. "I-I'm here... Master."

Joker nodded. "Good. You know what to do."

"Wait a minute!" Sayaka looked back and forth between them, indignant. One stranger in her room in the middle of the night was bad enough. "Who's this?!"

"Ah, how rude of me, pardonez." Joker swept a hand in the newcomer's direction. "Mademoiselle Miki, this is my associate, Sailor Mnemosyne."

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