CHAPTER 3: Sakura and the Deep Chill

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CHAPTER 3: Sakura and the Deep Chill

-VERTEX TWO: 15.721699-

Tomoeda Park

"I'll kill Li-kun, and then we'll be together. It's all going to be fine."

Sakura stood rooted to the spot, unable to speak, barely able to think. The world spun around her at dizzying speed, as if she were on a merry-go-round gone berserk. Those words... it sounded like it was Tomoyo saying them, but it couldn't be Tomoyo, had to be a trick or an illusion. It had to be...

"Sakura!" Shaoran was at her side, his hand gripping her shoulder. His shape loomed over her, far taller than usual. How did that happen? "Sakura, you've got to stand up! We have to-"

"Li-kun," said Tomoyo's voice with eerie calm, "if you don't mind, could you please finish saying goodbye to Sakura-chan? I need to hurry and kill you so I can get home, or Mother might be cross with me. It's very late, you know."

Belatedly, Sakura felt cool pavement on her skin; her legs had given way beneath her. That explained why Shaoran appeared so huge... She reached for the hand on her shoulder and clasped it, taking strength from his presence. Her lips began to move, numb though they were. "T... Tomoyo-chan..." She swallowed, squeezing Shaoran's hand as she made an attempt to stand. "Tomoyo-chan, it's gonna be okay... We'll f-fix this, w-we'll get you b-back to normal, I swear..."

"'Atta girl, that's our Sakura!" said Kero, close to her ear. "Come on, on your feet, we'll figure somethin' out!"

Steady, steady. Little by little she rose with Shaoran's help. A few more deep breaths and she felt well enough to speak again. "Th-thank you, Shaoran-kun. Kero-chan, I-I'm not sensing anything, are you?"

"Still nothin', but I'll keep tryin'. In the meantime- agh!"

Metal met metal with a ringing clang. Tomoyo had darted forward in a lunging slash, and Shaoran had moved to intercept with his jian. The two pushed back and forth... it was clear that Shaoran could easily gain the advantage, but not without the risk of hurting her.

"Shaoran-kun!" The shriek tore itself from somewhere deep inside Sakura as she reached for them, unsure of who she should try to help first. "Tomoyo-chan, you have to stop!"

"Li-kun, why are you resisting?" Tomoyo sounded disappointed. "This is for the best. It's the only way I can be with my Sakura-chan."

"Daidouji," hissed Shaoran from between clenched teeth, "please, don't move, just stay right there... Sakura, the Cards!"

"Right!" New resolve filled Sakura's heart. The Cards would have a way, altered or not, she just had to have faith in them. Clutching the key around her neck, she began the incantation: "O key that hides the powers of the sta-" She stopped, mentally kicking herself. It wasn't the Star Key anymore, obviously it wouldn't respond to that one. Until whatever mess there was with the Cards was fixed, she would need to remind herself to go back to the old incantation. "O key that hides the powers of the dark..." Clow's magic circle flared to life in glowing lines of light at her feet as she spread her hands, releasing the key to spin wildly in midair. "Reveal your true form to me! I, Sakura, command you under our contract! RELEASE!" To her relief, the familiar Clow Staff appeared before her, and its warmth and power surged through her body as she took hold of it.

Tomoyo briefly looked up from her struggle with Shaoran, and her face fell. "Oh dear, Sakura-chan, don't start using magic yet! I can't hold my knife and my camera at the same time! Kya!"

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