CHAPTER 41: Night of Anguish

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Chapter 41: Night of Anguish

-VERTEX FOUR: 8.36679-

Uminari City

A superhuman battle tore through the streets of Uminari like a tornado; it was doubtful there would be anything left of the shopping district once they were done. The noise was incredible: peals of thunder shattered glass up and down the block of the deserted shopping district with each sounding, and the earth shuddered as the combatants threw each other through walls, through ceilings, through entire floors, leaving leveled buildings and piles of rubble in their wake. Blow after blow landed with titanic shockwaves, setting off waves of car alarms that added to the growing din.

This was no fight between a Precure and a giant monster; this was a duel between two Cures at full strength, so evenly matched that neither could triumph over the other. Another hit connected, and the city quaked in fear.

Yayoi Kise, Cure Peace, skidded backwards with her arms crossed over her face, the heels of her boots squealing in protest. A quick peek at her surroundings told her that she was in the wreck of a hardware store: tarnished brass bathroom fixtures, pipe fittings, that sort of thing. There was a lot still left on the shelves, probably because little of it would be useful to any of Uminari's survivors. Best to relocate before—

"No slacking off!" said a gleeful, strident voice. "You wanna get ahead, you gotta get that cash...!" A blinding yellow-and-black blur from the corner of her vision, then an eruption of pain centered at her right temple as something cold, flat and unyielding slammed into her skull. Peace reeled and fought to keep her balance, her poor head pounding a jackhammer beat...

Kanna Kise, Bad End Peace II, tossed aside the empty cash register without a second thought, letting it fall with a metallic ring and clamor behind her. Sparks danced between her splayed fingers as she cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders. "Aww, need a time-out, moeblob?"

"S-stop," Peace wheezed at the three wobbly Kannas advancing on her position. "Stop c-calling me that..."

"Well, what should I call you?" Kanna ran a hand along a shelf, casually scattering most of its contents to the floor. "Yellowbelly? Lilyliver? Widdle Baby Pissy-Pants? Because you're damn sure not a Precure from what I see. I thought you guys were supposed to be tough." Something caught her eye, and she giggled as she examined it. "Oooh~. A 15-centimeter carbon steel nipple. Just the right size for me, too."

Now. Now, while she was distracted. Peace launched herself forward, sent a charge down her arm, curled her fingers into a fist, and sank it into Kanna's stomach. A stopping blow, if there was any mercy. Something that would knock her out long enough to... help? Perhaps if Sailor Moon could heal her... but as she was now, Kanna refused to be healed, refused to even consider that she needed to be healed. One thing at a time. Stay alive first, stop her if possible, then help her.

All the breath escaped Kanna's lungs in a rush. The force of the punch lifted her ten centimeters off the floor, her body seemed to crumple inward around Peace's fist as her muscles slackened. The remaining items in the aisle rattled on their shelves.

It should have worked. For a second or two, Peace thought it did work.

Then Kanna seized her fan-shaped ponytail, worked her fingers into her hair, and let loose. Voltage cascaded through her and Kanna both, bringing both numbness and intense pain... how was that even possible...?

"Gotta a-admit," Kanna wheezed, convulsing even as she gripped tighter. "I l-love it wh-when you get... d-dirty..."

"Y-you...!" All Peace could do was counter with her own power, matching Kanna volt for volt. They strained against each other, and stray arcs snarled and spat their fury, blackening what they could not blow apart. The atmosphere grew thin and dry as it ionized, a symphony of static pops and crackles built and built in volume.

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