CHAPTER 32: Regroup and Counterattack

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Chapter 32: Regroup and Counterattack

The Lighthouse

Restricted Access Room, Top Floor

The Lighthouse Keeper, the entity calling herself Fantine, never left the secret, sealed control room atop the tallest spire of the Lighthouse. Too much depended on her: the time streams of the multiverse had to be monitored, the Lighthouse residents had to be sheltered, and she herself had to be kept hidden away from any and all. Some would call her paranoid, but if they only knew the truth, if they only knew anything about who Fantine really was and what kind of powers she possessed... they would say there was no such thing as being paranoid. Knowing who Fantine truly was would instantly make her the primary target for Joker and his entire Dead End forces, for in all likelihood, she could end the war for existence by herself in an instant.

If they only knew. If they only knew what she was capable of, the sins she had committed. But no one knew, and no one could know. Not ever.

Fantine recognized that the control room would likely be her home for all of eternity. Fair enough; she had no real reason to leave. She was well beyond the simple biological needs of the humans, humanoids, and assorted beings under her care. There was no need for entertainment when one could watch the entire scope of the infinite multiverse at once from her vantage point. Social contact? Well, truthfully, there was a lack of that; only the Stranger could visit her up there, because the Stranger had no words to speak that could possibly betray her. The rest she could only talk to and interact with through her holographic avatar. Lonely? Yes, sometimes, but it was better that way.

At that moment, for one of the only times in her service as Lighthouse Keeper, Fantine wished that she could leave her station. If she were able, she would be in Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi's room in Vertex Point Five. More to the point, she suspected her hands would be clasped in prayer as she pleaded Homura to listen to reason.

For Fantine felt the self-proclaimed Devil's heart wavering, and that frightened her as very little else could.

Vertex Point Five

You can't, said Fantine through the comm crystal, speaking directly to Homura's thoughts. Whatever you're considering, Miss Akemi, whatever you're planning, you need to forget it.

Homura's scratched at the surface of the comm crystal at her side with her fingernail. Her face was a cold, immobile mask as she watched Madoka weep into a pillow on her bed across the room. Wasn't it you who told me that the rest of them needed hope?

I did, and they do, said Fantine, but what you're considering would jeopardize us all, including Madoka.

The way I see it, Homura thought, we are all already in jeopardy. At least one of the rescue team is already lost.

A mental cringe. I know, but—

It's safe to assume she has already informed Dead End of the existence of the Lighthouse.

I'm aware of the possibility. There's nothing we can do to stop her from telling them about this place and what its purpose is, but thankfully, the information she has about it is minimal.

Nevertheless, we're at least one step closer to annihilation. Admit it, Fantine... Homura suppressed a smirk. You're desperate.

She could almost see the winged blue spark swelling up with righteous indignation. Not so desperate that I'd let you do whatever you want!

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