CHAPTER 31: Hostile Territory

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Chapter 31: Hostile Territory

[Author's Note: Those of you reading this on FanFiction may have noticed that Shattered Skies: Viluy's Database is gone. The short explanation is that I was "nicely" informed that character guides technically qualify as "not a story", so I took both Viluy's Database and Stars Above's Demon Profiles down... after all I've posted on here, I don't want to risk my account. You can still find both the Database and the Demon Profiles on DA and AO3, and the former is also on WattPad. I'll be updating the Database on those sites only from now on.

In better news, new Shattered Skies art by ErinPtah, check it out:]

La Fin de Toute

(formerly Galactica Palace)

37th Floor - Library/Security Center

The destruction and subsequent total collapse of Viluy's lab did not go unnoticed. Vibrations rattled the palace all the way to the main security center twenty floors up, where Sub-Commander Eas, otherwise designated Labyrinth Citizen #ES-4039781, sat poring over new information, as she always did when not actively on-duty. Maintaining her library was her pet project, compiling all the knowledge she could gather within the five multiversal vertices. Though she went about it with less single-minded, monomaniacal focus than Viluy, Eas was no less devoted than she to her job for Labyrinth.

Where they differed was that Viluy wanted all the knowledge there was only for the sake of having it, not for Labyrinth's benefit. After she ascended to the position of Dead End's Head of Scientific, Technical, and Magical Research and Development, Viluy quickly set about making the harvesting of data, all data, Labyrinth's raison d'être.

Eas was different. Her duty was not to Viluy and not to Dead End, but to Labyrinth. They were part of Joker's fold now, yes, but Labyrinth was her home, her purpose, her life. If it came down to it, and she had to choose one over the other, she would choose Labyrinth in an instant.

So when Viluy suggested that Lord Moebius, the ruler of Labyrinth, be merged with the planet-devouring transdimensional entity called Pharaoh 90, the sovereign of the Death Busters, that the whole of both might become stronger than its component beings... Eas went along with it. It was not her place to question. Lord Moebius gave her her life and purpose, who was she to object to his becoming something more? Klein and Northa, her most direct superiors, wholeheartedly approved of the fusion, as did Moebius himself. Any misgivings Eas might have had were irrelevant.

And when the gestalt entity, christened Master Moebius 90, was wiped from existence by the TSAB along with the planet Carnaaji, Eas grieved. Not for the planet, and not for Viluy (though of course, she merely uploaded herself into a clone and was active again in days), but for the part of the gestalt that was Lord Moebius. Eas mourned and wept for the loss of her creator... but only in private, when she was absolutely certain there was no one to listen. Such things, she knew, were not permitted.

When the rumbles of multiple explosions came up through the floor, and her scans revealed that the lab had been destroyed, and furthermore that Viluy and all of her clones were dead... she did not grieve, nor did she feel any desire to do so. Her duty was to Labyrinth. Viluy may have advanced to become her superior in the organization, but Viluy was an outsider, not one of Lord Moebius's children. Viluy was an interloper, who changed Labyrinth from what it was to what she thought it should be. In her heart of hearts, Eas even suspected that the loss of Master Moebius 90 at Carnaaji was at least in part Viluy's fault, though she would never say so aloud.

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