CHAPTER 18: Purgatory

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CHAPTER 18: Purgatory

-VERTEX FIVE: 10.194412-


Madoka Kaname was happy.

What reason was there not to be? She had everything a teenage girl could ask for: a loving family, a happy home, dear friends, a wonderful school. Life had its little upsets and minor crises, but somehow, things always worked out. On the rare occasions that there was some problem that Mama and Papa and Tatsuya couldn't help her solve... well, that was where her friends stepped in.

Every day that she could spend with those friends was a gift to be cherished. With Sayaka, she could truly be herself, and share any worry no matter how small. Whenever she did so, Sayaka would not rest until she either made it better or helped Madoka to do so herself. Sayaka was loud, impulsive, and straightforward, always charging at her problems head-on, and usually causing trouble on the way, but Madoka loved her for that. She helped Sayaka in return, lending a shoulder whenever life's problems overwhelmed her, and comforting her until she inevitably bounced back.

With Hitomi, she enjoyed a firsthand look at young love, as the debutante and her boyfriend, the violin prodigy Kyosuke Kamijo, strengthened their relationship. Not a perfect one, because no relationship was... at times, Hitomi confided in Madoka that she thought Kyosuke had more feelings for his violin than he did for her. That always set Sayaka fuming, resolving to track the boy down and beat him until he showed more gratitude for his girlfriend's presence... but those incidents never lasted long. Within a day or two at most, Kyosuke would repent for his mistakes in a manner that was always spectacular: a bouquet of white roses attached to Hitomi's locker, enormous boxes of chocolates, impromptu private concerts, or something else equally showy. It seemed he was a hopeless romantic underneath it all, and for all the times he messed up, he always knew the way to make things right.

With Mami, Madoka had the older sister of her dreams... a great teacher as well as a great friend, always willing to listen or lend a guiding hand. Afternoon tea parties at Mami's apartment were the stuff of legend; every time she held one, she had a new recipe for some extravagant new dessert. Stuffed crepes, chocolate tortes, hot cinnamon scones, and of course, her famous peach pie. Poor Mami often seemed lonely... who wouldn't be, living in that big apartment all by herself? There was a constant glimmer of sadness in her amber eyes, and Madoka sometimes saw her staring wistfully off into space when she thought no one was looking... but Mami knew she was always welcome at the Kaname household at any time of day or night, so it always worked out in the end.

With Kyoko, Madoka could indulge her wilder and, honestly, her more rebellious instincts. The redhead's father, a Christian minister in Kazamino, normally kept his daughter under a watchful eye and a tight leash... which was probably why whenever she and Sayaka spent time together, some sort of mischief invariably ensued. The two of them were quite a pair, getting into fights just as often as they laughed and shared each other's company. It wasn't hard to see why: both of them were stubborn as mules, not to mention quick to anger and slow to forgive. They were more alike than either would ever dare admit, and being with them was always an adventure... though quite frequently a somewhat dangerous adventure.

Then there was Homura. Cool, quiet Homura, whom Madoka felt closer to than anyone else, even Sayaka. Homura, who always knew what she needed and when she needed it. Homura, who was indifferent to everyone at school, but who never failed to break into a warm smile whenever she saw Madoka's face. Homura, who swooped in like a guardian angel on the rare occasions trouble threatened Madoka's idyllic life, who could always be counted on to resolve it in short order. Homura, with whom she shared secrets she wouldn't dare breathe to anyone else. Homura, who always listened.

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