S1 E9 - Macaque

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Bashing a wall in? The Monkey king could easily do it himself! So when the opportunity to leave came up, of course he took it!

To his surprise, before he could even talk to Mei, Monkey King leapt over some of the rooftops toward the bad guy.

MK couldn't see everything that happened but, he did see a dark purple laser shoot out and poof the monster! Naturally this means MK absolutely has to talk to his mentor.

"Yeah! Monkey King!" He yells, trying to pull himself up onto the roof, almost falling off until Monkey King grabs his arm and pulls him up, then starts patting him down to check for injuries.

"You alright kid?"

"That was awesome I can't believe you came back to-" MK stopped in his tracks, getting a good look at the monkey in front of him. Lilac pajamas, a tattered old red scarf, green eyes and black fur. "Oh... This is awkward, you're not monkey king."

"I actually get that a lot..." not monkey king rubs the back of his neck and sits down on a pipe coming out of the roof "Monkie Kid right?"

"How did you-"

"Your staff kinda gives you away dude, that thing is extremely heavy. 1700 pounds or something"

"Uh sorry- who are you?"

The monkey hesitates, "Macaque, six eared macaque is my... full name... I think... Welp, c'ya around MK~"

MK completely brushed off the fact Macaque didn't seem to know his own name and looked at the other monkey with stars in his eyes, this person looks like they just woke up and they beat that monster easily! So he got up close and excitedly asked "WILL YOU TEACH ME THAT AWESOME THING?!"

"Personal space, also don't you already have a master? I thought uh... Monkey King was teaching you?"

"Oh yeah- no no... he is... um..."

"But you can never have too many teachers, right? Maybe a different way of thinking would be handy to have under your belt. It's not like Monkey King would want you to be unprepared, right?"

"Um... yeah! Yes! He'd totally be cool with it!"

"Heh! Alright then! I'll take your word for it!"


This was not what MK was expecting. This apartment was made out of those things boats always have on them. Shipping containers? Yeah that's it. The space felt a lot bigger inside than it actually was. Macaque looked different as well, a lot more casual than what Monkey King wears. In fact, Macaque's seemed to have a preference for baggy clothes; a baggy tie-dye shirt, yellow baggy jeans and the same old and withered scarf he had on before. He wore it more like a cape or a shawl instead of its intended use.

Macaque welcomed MK in with open arms, he was always seemingly nervous but also seemed like he saw MK as a friend despite both of them meeting an hour ago. "Alright, the first lesson is pretty simple, good for beginners I think." MK has been doing this for a while, he is no beginner! Macaque threw a controller into MK's hands, all the successors' hurt turned into thrill and confusion.

Apparently Macaque is more of a gamer than a fighter. He chose a pretty average game, one MK hasn't really played due to how low the ratings were. (that and it was a rip-off of another very popular game)

Macaque on the other hand seemed to think this game was popular, whoever told him that had obviously wanted rid of the game.

Monkie Kart. an easy game to figure out once you know what the controls are.

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