S3 Ep 9 - The King, the Prince and the Shadow.

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Sandy opened his backpack and used some wipes to clean Savage's hands. He didn't ask where the blood came from, he didn't speak at all, just focused on cleaning it away. Savage hadn't moved since they left, hadn't made a sound or even changed her expression. It was something Sandy has seen a number of times before back in the military, that is a look of someone who realised how easy it is to harm someone. He made extra sure that no one saw the blood, using his ability to go lesson his presence to hide her from the others. This will stay between them unless she says otherwise. His hand reached inside his backpack and took out some fresh clothes for her. She silently took them, they looked similar to the clothes she already had. She passed back the replacement scarf, Sandy noted that the original might have sentimental significance, and then she started dressing herself. Sandy looked away from her but used his body as a barrier just in case. When she was done she tapped him in the shoulder. Other than changing her own clothes, she was still numb and frozen.

Outside the train window, ice was everywhere, spreading faster and faster, even freezing some people. Tang whined a little at the sight of them being frozen after they tried so frantically to get away. "Um... so, uh, Mr King, sir,  I don't wanna rush you or anything, but... uh, d-"

"I'm OK with rushing him." MK interrupts. "What's the plan, Monkey King?! We got all three rings of Samadhi, so how do we use 'em to make the Lady Bone Demon go BOOM?! Is there a switch or-" the train trembles, making MK fall to the floor.

Wukong glanced over at Mei, when their eyes met, he looked away. "It's a bit more complicated than that. In order to re-forge the Samadhi Fire, we need to reach the summit of that mountain." They looked out the window to see a snowy peak, the mountain had something golden embedded in the stone, it looked like giant brass knuckles.

"Huh. And, uh, that's where we'll find the fourth Ring, eh?" Pigsy tried to provoke a response from Wukong. At the mention of a fourth Ring, Savage's head moved slightly up at the same time as Wukong's did. "Ain't that right, Monkey King?"

"Fourth Ring? W-what fourth Ring?" MK asked.

Tang slid over, telling Pigsy he was confused, but Savage had become a lot more tense. Sandy lifted her up, put the wipes in a plastic bag that he put in his pocket, then held her close. "Are you feeling OK, little buddy?" he asks quietly so only she could hear. She shrugs her shoulders.

The train shakes again, when MK looks outside he sees an unfamiliar vehicle. A jet with a giant ring. "Uh... Who dat?" The vehicle moves in front of the train and the giant ring splits in half, causing the rest of the jet to fall onto the tracks, in between the split ring was a giant ball of Magenta light.

The Train comes to a stop and the brakes are put on and NeZha appears where the light once was. There was little to no time for anyone to react properly as he cut the train open with said Rings. "Get back!" Wukong warns. But it was already too late, he quickly grabbed everyone and moved to the part of the train that wasn't going to fall off the cliff.

NeZha jumps down, standing inside the hole he just made. "Sun Wukong. Finally."

"NeZha, my old friend!" Wukong laughed nervously. "Don't tell me you trekked all the way out here to hang out with lil ol' me." he teased.

"You know exactly why I'm here. I will not let you re-forge the Samadhi Fire and doom this world." Tang's excitement caused him to move closer to the angry lotus prince, almost as if he had no self preservation. NeZha wasn't used to humans being so friendly with him, being called a demon child most of his life left some uncomfortable memories. "Silence, Mortal!" he pushed Tang back in an uncomfortable rage.

"How did you find us?" Wukong asked in a high tone, planning to laugh it off, though he could suppress the urge to be at least a little annoying. "Wai-wait, don't tell me. You took a sneaky peaky at the map while you were supposed to be guarding it?" Wukong put his hands in his hoodie's pockets. "Now who's untrustworthy?"

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