S3 E5 - Amnesia Rules

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"That's the trick to pulling noodles! Ya gotta use just the right pressure." Tang was snoring in the front, Savage on his lap, curled up like a cat. "You guys actually listening to me back there? I feel like I'm talking to myself here." he jokes, though it seems to have no response. It is suspicious how quiet it is. Around nineteen years of looking after a kid has taught him many things, one of those things is, never trust when it's quiet. "Hey, if you're talking, you gotta speak up!" Pigsy pulled the curtain away, only to be greeted with Mo panicking and sweating bullets. "Sandy, look after Mo! I'm tryin' to drive!" Savage moved off of Tang's lap as Mo drenched the man in sweat. Still no response. "Sandy?" He looks into the back. "MK? Mei?" The only person there was Sun Wukong. Still meditating.

Pigsy immediately pulled over, looking around the area as the sun set. "We didn't just leave them at the campsite, did me?" Asked a stressed Tang.

"Nah." Pigsy clenched his fist. "Nah, something's wrong, I can feel it." a bird cries out and there is some rustling in the bushes. "Huh?"

"What was that?" Tang whimpers. Savage climbs onto his head to attempt to get a better look. A large scorpion engulfed in shadows. Pigsy lifts Tang, who holds onto Savage, and runs. Pigst throws Tang inside the TEA and slams the back door shut. It climbed onto the roof, the steps were loud. "This'd be a very good time for Monkey King to wake up!" Tang screeched. The growling and shaking didn't stop. "We're all going to die! We're all gonna DIE!" Tang panics then grabs Pigsy. "The two of us aren't built for action stuff, Pigsy, and the only awake person who is, is smaller than the both of us!" Savage made an angry sound in protest but with Mei gone, she had lost her method of communication. "We're sidekicks at best and you know it!" Tang was sweating. Pigsy grabs monkey king after considering his options. "W-wait, Pigsy! It's-"

"-Dangerous to wake someone from transcendental meditation, I know, I know, but so is whatever is out there!" he falls back when the TEA shakes again. Savage raised her hand. "And I agree that we aren't sending that kid out there. She once again made some unsatisfied monkey sounds. "I have an idea!" he put on an oven mitt "I've been saving this for a special occasion." He reaches into his pocket. "Tang, I present the Chaos-Ultra Ghost Pepper of Doom!" Savage shuffled away at the sight of it. The pepper glowed and hovered above pigsy's hand, Tang flinched away slightly at the glow. "It's so hot, you'll get third degree burns just from looking at it."

Mo's eyes grew wide and he fled from the pig. "Are you sure you should be keeping that in your pocket?" Asked a terrified Tang

"If anythings gonna wake up Monkey King, it'll be this! Incoming!" Pigsy yells as he punches the pepper into the king's mouth.

Savage shielded her eyes at the bright light, her skin burned, her form had trouble stabilising. "Stay back, Master! Sun Wukong will handle this demon!" The adults and cat were confused, the little monkey however, had a massive grin on her face, this was the exact entertainment she needed. Wukong kicked the door off the back and jumped outside. "Hmm? Guess I musta scared it off. Master it's safe to come out now! You too, piglet!"



Wukong groaned. "Fine, "Zhu Bajie". Better?"

"Er... What is happening right now?"

"Ah, Monkey..." Tang hesitated, then corrected himself. "Sun Wukong..? Why exactly do you think we are?"

The king held up Mo, turning his head slightly at the question. "What kind of question is that, Master? Unless..." he dropped Mo and ran over to Tang. "Master!" He grabbed the scholar. "You've lost your memories! You have to remember who you are!" Pigsy chuckles at the monkey shaking tang, only for Wukong to point at him. "That's Zhu Bajie, the celestial swine!" he slid over to where he dropped Mo. "This is Sha Wujing, of the flowing sand river, and you are the great Monk Tang Sangzang! We're on a journey to deliver sacre-" Wukong cut himself off as soon as he saw the little monkey, sitting on the bottom bunk inside the TEA. "Macaque?!" he pushed Tang behind him, staring the other monkey down. His body was tense, as if unsure of what to do, waiting for the shadow to make the first move. Savage looked behind her, under the bunk, on the roof then back at wukong, pointing at herself. "Yes, you!" he scowls.

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