S3 E2 - great grand dragon of the east.

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The ship was flooding. "We're alive! We're alive ! " but before Tang could celebrate this, the ship made a creaking sound and the windows broke, spilling more water inside.

Mei tried walking across the boat to try even it out. "Maybe hold that thought?" She was then hit in the face by a fish.

Pigsy was trying to move up onto higher ground. "We finally get away from Macaque, and now we all get to drown !"

The ship's screens show a lot of pop up warnings and errors. "This drone-" Sandy calls out to the others. "it's not water adventure-friendly!"

"Monkey King, you've got to do something!"

"Huh? Why?" asked Wukong who was laying down on a bench that was a little under the water. Savage jumped on him, causing him to splash a little in shock.

{"You're a stone! The others can die! "} she yells at him.

He grumbled a little and turned his head away from her. "Right... Mortality ."

The alarms went off, the entire ship shook and Savage climbed on top of Wukong's head in shock. "What's that?" asked Mei with a little fear in her voice.

"Something big!" Yelled MK.

"Everyone relax." Wukong spoke in a soft tone. "I'm pretty sure this is just an old friend of mine come to help out." glowing purple eyes could be seen though the broken skylight. "Hm." Wukong squints. "Actually, "friend" might just be stretching it."


Savage ignored Mei's excitement and Wukongs explanation about how this was the place he got his staff, choosing to instead search for treasure. Sadly, she didn't get very far because a guard found her and dragged her back to the group. She glared at the guard, then at Wukong who was trying to use his reputation to get out of this situation.

When he was pushed back by an energy dragon, she couldn't stop herself from cackling. "Do not try to fool me a second time, trickster. I can sense your weakness. Your power is all but consumed." Wukong growled and the guard that had Savage in his grasp, leapt out of his hiding place and pointed a spear at Sandy while another held a spear towards Mei. Mo meowed and hissed at the guard. Mei lifted her sword, prepared to fight. "HOLD!" echoed the voice of Ao Guan. "Where did you get that?"

Mei looked into the eyes of the old man whose voice trembled a little. "Um, it's... mine? My family's?"

Savage broke out of the guards hold and vanished. "I know this blade." explained the dragon. "It belonged to my brother, the Dragon of the West." he raised his voice, the sound of nostalgia vanishing. "You mean to tell me you are a descendant of Ao Ji?"

She nods. "Uh, Mr Dragon of the East, sorry to interrupt this little family whatever-it-is, but..." MK decided to hold his ground. "You know about the Lady Bone Demon, what she's capable of." He held up the map, Wukong grimaced behind him. "We can stop her! We just need..." The energy dragon was reformed, MK thought it was going to kill him so he flinched, but when he opened his eyes, the map was gone. " Hey !" MK said in annoyance and disappointment.

"You would tell me how to protect my people?" The energy dragon handed the actual dragon the scroll. "When YOU have unleashed this blight back into the world?"

MK flinched at the Dragon's words, wiping away the tears that formed in his eyes. "Wow, OK, fresh wound. Just going to let that bounce off me." he lied.

The dragon turned away. "Bring the girl. Imprison the rest."

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